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Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 04-15-2015, 02:49 PM

Was ok. Lil suspenseful while they tried to figure who took the lil girl. I wont spoil ending, but it was a happy one. Think im going back to, the boxcar children. Ive read about 8. Theres maybe 20. Want to savor them.

Well, its humpty dumptys favorite day. Im hitting new chinese restaurant. It keeps changing owners. Will have to google so i know where to park. There arent really authentic chinese places here. They dont even put out chopsticks. I have to bring my own. And authentic should have the red dragon decor and chinese music. Celine dion and whitney huston are great, but not in chinese place. Ill have to google the menu too.

Also read that food safety gradings will be coming next year. To see if your restaurant has passed health inspection. Some cities, like l.a. i believe, have had it forever.

Well, my hamster wheel has started to turn. Got to hit the day. Have a good one!