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IndiGlo is offline
Old 12-27-2007, 06:26 PM

Hopefully it's ok that the items are implied and not specifically stated ^ ^;;
Haha, Indi is an emochild xD


IndiGlo sat on the most joyous of days
In front of a window, eyes starting to glaze
Glum look on her face, as gray as the sky
None bothered to ask, simple question of
"Why you ask"
Indi says to herself
"Because I have to spend Christmas alone
By myself
No family, no friends, no one to shout 'Hey!
Christmas is here, tomorrow, today.'"
Cookies yet eaten alone on their plate
Santa's no coming, never one to be late.
She looks at the candy dispenser of the jolly old man
Throws it into the fire and rises to stand
It's Christmas in Mene, no presents to see
A sorrowful sight, a bare Christmas tree
Out Indi goes onto the cold Mene streets
Looking for something, A bridge-
Such a treat
With step set determined, eyes on the goal
Unnoticed a girl, all covered in coal
"Please ma'am wait up, I have something for you!"
Presented a flower, yellow of hue
"Happy Holidays ma'am, I wish you great cheer
Let not a gray sky fill you with fear.
Life too precious, special and dear
To waste in the water, so cold and so clear."
Skittered away the child then went
Oblivious to what a flower to IndiGlo-