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whitebeast is offline
Old 01-01-2008, 04:17 PM

I swear to the gods---whatever we talk about always ends up sounding wrong in one way or another. SRSLY.

Yup. I think that was the case... Though I am not too keen on wanting to listen to the prologue right now so I shall just nod and take your word for it! XD

...Walter did make him over -for reasons unexplained- then left him to rot in that place. I wonder how he managed to feed in such a lonely place though. Since he couldn't leave, how did Joachim manage to survive? o:
I guess Walter had it coming to him. Power corrupts absolutely... something something. That amazing phrase that has a play of words on powers, absolute and corruption. Definitely---Walter.
Mathias even managed to play Death a fool in this game. Geez... That guy!

Goodness when he became Genya Arikado and then I was feeling the Lament of Innocent craze, I couldn't help but just stare at the similarity. THEY DID IT ON PURPOSE I TELL YOU. DX

Innocent Devil makes me think of naughty stuff. Buh. Maybe that's just me.

Yeah... Konami also did Silent hill after all. Another VERY interesting game. :3

Mou~ My class ---might be on Thursday/Friday still. Godspeed though~

See you next time!!! ^^

PS: Once again, we hijacked Lo's thread. I hope he gets his well deserved sleep already! D<