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Void Walker
Dreizehn is offline
Old 08-11-2012, 01:36 AM

Ana X: 'The Project'

The day had started out like any other normal day with her running through the usual rituals. Having awoken at zero five hundred hours, she was considered an early riser. Ana had always preferred it that way as it gave her the slight advantage of making minimal contact with other human beings. Outfitting herself in her usual soldier training attire, Ana made a striking figure in the plain black short sleeved shirt and matching close fitting pants. Standard light weight black boots were slipped on and laced up to the fullest, before she paused in front of her small bathroom mirror. Her hands smoothed over her light blonde tresses as she began pulling it into a high ponytail atop her head, before securing it with a simple black hair band. As she was turning to leave, the strands that were considered to be her bangs had slipped out and framed over the right side of her face. Pausing she contemplated securing them with a pin and decided against it.

Heading out of her quarters, Ana paused as she noted that there was a chill in the air. Her right hand went to her bare left arm and rubbed at the arising goose pimples that began to grow there due to the chill. Being underground it was not uncommon for the tunnels to be cool, but today was different as the seasons were undoubtedly shifting.

As she began walking her mind took a curious turn as she made her way to her destination of one of the smaller training rooms that the soldiers used for physical combat practice. Her mind was on the procedure that was soon to come and the possible mutation that would occur. Most would have been nervous given her position, Ana was quite the opposite. At the young ripe age of twenty years, Ana had no known history on file or by any of the other persons located in Pylae's base called Vis. Having been approached about going through the newly developed procedure to alter her DNA was an exciting endeavor. This would open a new chapter for her as she was basically no one, but also for the future of their cause.

Now, Ana did not feel the least bit sorry for herself nor pitied the fact that she had no known blood relations. Having been found at the tender age of four, she was given the surname of 'X'. It was possible that the superiors were planning on grooming her to become an experiment in the beginning and had dubbed her as they saw fit. Being pretty much self taught, self managed and groomed by her environment with what it held. Learning to distance herself from others around her, she excelled in whatever it was that she saw fit or caught her interest.

There were others in the tunnels that did not feel the same elation for Ana. Some were worried about the possible side effects or failure. Failure was not an option for her, as she was confident that things would go accordingly. That did not mean that there would be certain trials ahead of her, oh no. In fact, she welcomed the prospect of those trials as well. Then there were was a few others that felt they should have been given the honor to have the procedure done first. Sure they all had their own reasons, but they were also reasons based on sheer emotion.

This thought process would make one assume that Ana was completely dead inside, as if she were void of any emotion. On the contrary, Ana felt as any other person did. She just had trouble with displaying the correct emotion at the appropriate time and usually decided to remain silent.

Having reached her destination, Ana entered the training facility and began to stretch her muscles. Sure stretching was not something a soldier would necessarily be able to do in the field, but she knew the importance of keeping her body limber. After the thoughts of the procedure had invaded her mind it was difficult for her to stop thinking about them, she was after all anxious to go through with it all.