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Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 04-19-2014, 07:58 AM


November 18, 2013

Originally Posted by jellysundae View Post
This absolutely puts me in mind of Courtney Love. I'm enjoying how the use of the green background gives a seriously grungey look to the whole thing. The use of pink adds some ironic prettiness to it, I think. Particularly from the panda headphones, those seem especially full of love!

What's the betting that the song she's singing isn't anything like your typical love ballad though? I think it's going to be something just a little bit more edgey and kickass than that! Gonna give us another couple of verses, Anna? ;)

January 13, 2014

Originally Posted by jellysundae View Post

Can that be my response in its entirety?

Seriously, this is creepy is hell! Some tribal princess, or witch doctor, in some remote jungle. Maybe an island out in the middle of the pacific, or somewhere deep in the South American jungle. One of those really friendly tribes that shoots you with poisoned darts then throws you into the cooking pot.

That head's looking a bit past its best though, bit of a shortage of fresh meat lately? Run out of missionaries? Or maybe it's those spirits hanging around...they can't below to the head, everyone knows redheads have no soul!

What's with those eyes, too! I get it, little bit too much time indulging in those mind altering plants, so now the food's gone off! Oh dear...

March 5, 2014

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Ha! Dystopia made me giggle as soon as I saw this avatar. This friendly dapper gentleman came this close to having his perfect outfit ruined! Poor fella, it's no fun to spend the night scraping pie crust off your favorite jacket and combing cream out of your mustache. Thank goodness that this evening didn't end in disaster.

But the best thing here is that Dystopia didn't just rely on a gag - Look at how well the background and items are layered! That takes some talent and skill to find the perfect combination. A round of applause for your eye to detail.

Great job!

June 30, 2014

Originally Posted by jellysundae View Post
It's win #4 for our dear sweet Anna, so she's gaining a lovely 4k ! This also makes her the first person to gain a 4th pretty star beneath her name, and I think you'll all agree that this is a very well-deserved win!

Just what has happened here though! So many options, and not one of them good as far as I can see! This has to be way in the future; look at the monstrous forest that's engulfed the towering skyscrapers outside. Civilisation as we know clearly no longer exists, is this a visual representation of dystopia?

What's with all the blood? Was she rescuing that fish from some hideous experiment, or was she too late and another human is now destined to the same fate as she.

But wait, maybe she's not human at all, maybe she's one of an invading alien race (that would explain so much!). Maybe going outside to capture the fish exposed her to the toxic earth atmosphere and look at the damage it inflicted! But she needs to transform an earth fish into a creature her own size so they can replicate the organs and survive on this hostile planet...

This should totally be made into a manga! Congrats Dys!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 07-21-2015 at 02:50 PM..