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Pixel Pixie

Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 07-24-2012, 04:33 PM

Things where whirling around in her head as he explained his take on the situation. He couldn’t see the man she had? The fact that the man was invisible did not seem to faze Blaire at that moment in time, not with all that had happened that night. The fact that he was only invisible to Vincent was the part that raised concern in her head. How could someone make themselves invisible to only certain people. Then there was that woman. Who was she? Apparently someone who Vincent had known in the past or someone who looked like someone he had known.

She could feel his concern over the situation but did not comment. She took his offered hand as he hailed down the taxi. They would talk at the office he had said. The papers! She had totally forgotten about the ordeal over the office. She looked at Vincent when he asked her if she had gotten them signed, “I did get them signed but…” she launched into the story of the twitchy secretary, the crash upstairs and the man in the suit, Jack the Knife. Finally she ended with a sigh, “and so Mr. Clestorn agreed to change the contract so you have an out clause at the end of two months time.”

She leaned back in her seat and fell silent for a few moments. She had been unsure of whether or not Vincent would be mad over the whole situation or not, but what could you do? She had tried her best to diffuse the situation. She probably would have been mad at the situation had it been the reverse, but not mad at her. She looked back at Vincent and more thoughts of the things they were headed to do filled her mind. Would they find Lewis in time? Would they even stand a chance against the thing that had him?

She looked at Vincent who she knew had been holding back the pain he was feeling the entire time. He may not want her to feel the pain, but that didn’t stop her from seeing the pain in his eyes. She looked away from Vincent and thought to herself, What would happen if they were too late?