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Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-20-2014, 02:47 AM

✦✦ Usagi Ryouichi ✦✦

"Anything you desire to know about me, can be found here."

Sighing slightly, Usagi rested his head on his hand. His eyes stared out the window of the car as it moved along the rhoad. He was on his way to a small town, to take care of some buisiness. He was here for Levyathan, on buiseness that was more...supernatural. He was heading up to the castle within these parts, to speak with the owners on a matter. He glanced at the file next to him. He frowned slightly, and looked away. Why would Levyathan send him way out here? He knew better than to ask questions, he trusted the man. The car stopped at the edge of the limits to the area. He would be going on alone from here. Stepping out, he picked up the file, as well as his bag.

He thanked the driver, before he walked along the path. His mind on the task at hand, the owners were supposed to be expecting him but... A light sigh passed though his lips. Quite a hassel indeed, he ran a hand lightly through his hair. He paused for a moment though, a feeling coming to him from up ahead. The shadows up there were alive with the presence of three people. His eyes narrowed slightly, as he paused within the street. He was unsure for a moment if he should intrude, it was none of his business. He could feel from what was going on within the shadows, that two were not human. The female who was lingering around them was a fool, she was testing her luck.

He stepped closer, coming into view of the scene. As he had thought, there was the woman before an ally. A man stood there, the other was deeper within the ally between two buildings. He liiked at her for a moment, once more thinking for a moment if he should intervene. He sighed, he could not simply let her get into harms way. He moved closer, "a bit of an odd place to be gathering?" he spoke, making his presence known. He stopped by the female, his eyes moving to the red haired man. Usagi currently stood within a black suit, which made his hair and eyes stand out even more. He was in no condition to be getting into a scuffle with this attire, not that he could not hold his own if need be. Closer now, he could get a better idea of the man within the ally.

His own shadow seemed to turn ever so slightly, to make contact with the one within the ally. A chill ran down his spine, as the information from the shadows came flooding in through his own. So, there was a fourth party..He had not noticed her at first, since she was no longer alive. He sighed, one thought came to mind...vampire. This girl certainly was playing with fire. He looked to her, deciding to do them all a favor and end this before it escilated. "Forgive my intrusion...I was wondering if either of you could assist me" he smiled warmly, "I have just arrived and am completely horrid with directions at this would not happen to know where I might find the rhoad to the castle hmm?" Hopefully the woman would be smart enough and kind enough to take his offer and help, or the two others would make a move instead. Either way, it was an opportunity to avoid confrentation.