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Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-09-2017, 06:25 PM

Lielieja sighed and sat down on a nearby crate as Dragumand called their capture into the ship’s security team, keeping an eye on their prisoner to make sure he didn’t try something stupid though the “mandalorian” seemed docile enough now that he had surrendered. A few minutes later she heard the elevator ding and a small group arrived to haul him off, presumably to some holding cell so they could question him.

Lielieja turned her attention back to her partner as he spoke up, describing his woe. ”You seemed excited enough when you were squishing your face against my chest…” Lielieja said, the snark apparent in her voice. She was cut off when another security guard showed up. As he spoke, she thought to herself how inconvenient it was that the plural of “jedi” was “jedi”. So how was she supposed to know if he meant the both of them? Or rather Dragumand, to whom he was speaking.

Dragumand cleared that question up for her when he suggested that she stay in the bay while he go up top to talk to the bigwig of the ship. ”So you’re just gonna leave me here to clean up this mess?” she asked with mock annoyance. ”Obviously it must mean you think I’m the better fighter,” she added before he could interrupt, ”I guess I could take care of it, though you’ll have to make it up to me later,” she said, crossing her arms against her chest.

In all honesty she rather liked this arrangement. Talking and diplomacy weren’t her favorite things. She would much rather kick a couple of pirates if they showed up…or maybe just take a nap behind one of those stacks of crates…