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Staria is offline
Old 08-18-2012, 02:29 AM

Chana Adams
"I just wanted to clean up the mess..." Chana responded with a frown, and for a moment looked like a puppy hit in the nose with a newspaper who didn't know what it had done wrong. The look faded quickly, however, and once again that emotionless face returned. She glanced towards the bones a moment and continued to frown at them as if she could will them away. Still, she did no more spells and simply began to gather the bones in one pile and the mechanical parts in another. Soon they would all be stacked rather neatly as she continued to speak after a moments pause.

"It's not my magic.... it's his. The one who made us, this creature and me. He stored it in me because he knew no one else could get it out that way and he thought i was too stupid to open it, let alone understand it. He did not spend much time on my mind...He was a fool who thought he could create a soul so that i would be what he wanted. He was wrong." she explained to him absently. There was no emotion on her face until she said her master had been wrong. It was then her doll like, innocent features curled into a smile more matching her adult mind and body.

The smile was a dark one, one that would make one cold to look at. It promised a dark secret and morbid delight. There was no apology in it, she had enjoyed his death. She had enjoyed turning his own magic against him, his own alchemy. The less life that had been his eyes the more she had felt free, the more she had felt strong... She knew he would never let her be if he lived, dead he would have no choice in the matter. Still the smile left as quickly as it came and once again her face was a porcelain mask.