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Kent is offline
Old 03-01-2009, 05:24 AM

Kent's OCs

Ryoko and Tai

Note: Tai is taller than Ryoko.

Ryoko [Photobucket]
Age: 20
Hair: Long side bangs, short bangs on her forehead. Rest of hair is fairly short.
Light shade of brown on top and slowly gets darker toward ends
Eyes: Light green
Personality: Sophisticated, kind, motherly.
Autumn Outfit: [x] [x] [x] [x]
The spirals on the shirt that go to the left should be small and the ones that go to the right should be bigger, like my drawing. In case you'd like to add or subtract some. The end of her shirt and sleeves have strings hanging all around it. The sleeves end with a v-shape on the front. Also, the shirt should cling to her and not flow, except for the collar. The shirt ends in a slant, like in my drawing. The pants should be ankle-length and close-fitting. As for the shoes, use this ref. Her shirt is a beige or light brown colour, undershirt is black. The design on her shirt is dark brown, as well as the strings. Her shoes are... maybe black? Or something dark... Her pants are brown.
Summer Outfit: [x] [x] [x]
Her top is white with a black design of a star. Her jeans are a light blue with black design.
Her sandals are brown. Add accessories if you want.
Dancing Outfit: Shall come soon. >u<
Tai [Photobucket]
Age: 18
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Personality: Protective, naive, compassionate.
Autumn Outfit: [x] [x] [x] [x]
He's wearing a gray shirt and blue jeans with white pockets and belt loops.
The design on his shirt is outlined in black, except for the blushies, they're pink.
The smilie doesn't have buckteeth, it has pointed fangs.
The necklace is all black. The belt is gray and white.
Has checkered shoes or shoes with the same pattern as his belt.
Summer Outfit: Shall come soon~ :O

Terrence [Photobucket]
Age: 15
Hair: Orange
Eyes: Brown
Personality: Kind, mischievous, loves to have fun.
Notes: You can add earrings and accessories.
And you can go ahead and change the colors of his shirt and accessories, if you want.
Feel free to draw him as a cat, too. :3

Rayka [Photobucket]
Age: 13 or 15
Hair: Dark brown, reaches a little below her shoulders.
Eyes: Blue-green eyes
Personality: Innocent, curious, stubborn, cheerful
Note: I'd like someone to draw her hair down as well, but it's okay if you draw it in a pony tail.
Age: 15 or 17
Hair: Black
Eyes: Red
Hair: White
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Forest Green

Keith [Photobucket]
Age: 22
Hair: Blue-green
Eyes: Light blue
Personality: Hard-working, stubborn, clever.
Outfit: A black sweater with a white dress shirt underneath.
And a little white tie around his neck. As well as either white or beige pants. Black dress shoes.
Notes: He has a beauty mark below his right eye, on your left.

Kira Naono-Hayate [Photobucket]
Age: 11 or 17
Hair: Dark brown, reaches to right below her boobs
Eyes: Brown
Personality: Hesitant, clumsy, curious.
Story: She became an orphan when she was young and was found alone by Leon in some woods near where he lived.
She falls in love with Leon as she grows older. Hates Satoru.
Outfit: She has a white shirt with black stripes along the end of the sleeves, the collar, and the hem. o 3o
Her pants are tan or beige and her shoes are white.
Notes: It'd be nice if someone would draw a cute design/animal design in the middle of her shirt.
Like the design in this drawing, maybe.
She's a person who can turn into a fox at will, so she actually looks human all the time. Just occasionally her ears and tail pop out... (like in Fruits Basket? XD)
Leon Hayate
Age: 19 or 25
Hair: Orange and short
Eyes: Red
Personality: Brave, stubborn, mature
Story: Has raised Kira since she was eleven.
Loves her like a little sister. He's sorta her foster father/brother. Hates Satoru as well, but pities him too. Saved Kira from being raped.
Note: He can turn into an orange tabby cat at will.

Satoru Yashida [x]
Age: 23 or 29
Hair: Turquoise or light blue and short
Eyes: Yellow
Personality: Cruel, immature, selfish
Story: He was leader of a gang of snakes. He tried to rape Kira when she was young.
Falls in love with Leon's stubbornness. Six years after the rape incident, he disbands his gang and tries to win over Leon.
Notes: He can turn into a gray snake at will.

Hanako Chirume [Photobucket]
Age: 19 or 22
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Brown
Personality: Kind, innocent, optimistic, shy (rude towards Riku when they meet again)
Story: She was/is in love with Riku. They were once boyfriend and girlfriend. She always told him she loved him. She wanted them to get married (never told Riku, though). A few years after they break up, they meet again at work. They end up working in the same department. She's most likely a secretary.
Outfits: She loves wearing light-colored simple and cute dresses.
I think she'd look well in a sun dress with a straw hat~
Or in a female business suit, since she works in a professional environment~

Last edited by Kent; 10-18-2012 at 09:22 PM..