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Plagg, claws out!
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Xavirne is offline
Old 02-11-2014, 09:15 PM

Offering Mae a smile, Kev bid the priestess a farewell. Belly full and eyes ready to turn in, the brunette hunkered down into his bed. Had Saith been any slower in his window-breaching, Kev might have missed the whole ordeal. Thankfully, his teal eyes lingered open just long enough to catch the drow breaking into his room.

"Tree not to your liking?" He could see Saith rub his arm bashfully. Kev couldn't blame the drow. When they were walking to the inn, not a single tree looked suitable. One had no branches. Another had what looked like thorns. And two more were so scrawny that not even a cat would dare climb them. Could Saith have looked further? Sure, but the goal wasn't to split the team up.

There was nothing gay about his gestures or statements. Offering Saith a place in his bed, the drow eventually turned the knight down. The floor would do just fine. Not liking that idea, Kev peeled off a blanket and draped it over the floor. It was plenty long that the drow could curl up in it, should he want to.

As Saith laid on the floor, he found himself smirking as he thought about the knight on the bed. "I was wrong about you, human."

"As I with you." A creaking noise followed and sure enough, Kev was sitting up and looking down at Saith. Offering him a smile, he continued. "If your skin was white and your ears short, I could see you as a brave knight. 'tis a shame that color and breed come between you and me."

Taken aback, Saith wondered just where this statement came from. Had Mae spilled his secret? Listening for more information, he soon realized it was just a coincidence.

"You know, you could be a part of the Royal Scouting Brigade." Realizing that this group wasn't a part of Saith's world, the knight elaborated. "In the south eastern regions, there's a group of elite scouts. They patrol the land and protect the people. They're knight of a special kind. Humans aren't allowed into the ranks. Although I can't say I've heard about a drow in the flanks, I could see you getting into the group." Falling back onto the pillow, he draped a hand over his head. "Unless, of course, your desire is to stay with Miss Mae."

"I'm merely a guide for this journey. The moment things are resorted and she's back, I will seek out this guard."

"But what of your future with her?"

"Oh human, there is no future with her."

"But... I thought you two were..." he fumbled to find the words.

"If you're after her heart, you can pursue at your own pleasure. I, however, don't want such ties. I would much rather live freely."

"Ahh," falling silent, the two never spoke another word that night. When morning finally rolled around, neither woke, either. Mae would be left with rising her traveling companions if she wanted to get anything done.