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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-19-2015, 06:11 PM

”Eighteen hours???” Lielieja groaned. If she wasn’t holding the glass of water she likely would have flopped back dramatically in her chair. She didn’t mind being lazy now and then but eighteen hours? This could get boring fast… At least with Starfighters you had things to do: steering, coordinates to plot, a snarky droid to argue with, racing, and the occasional smuggler to bust; all of which was more interesting than plodding along an a heavy transport that didn’t even have a bar. Even crappy cantina music would have been welcome to this droning boredom. A nap would surely be in order later…

Lielieja felt the force swell around her companion as he did a simple meditation exercise. She didn’t often practice the art herself but when she did, she preferred total silence. Dragumand teased her about it whenever she got snippy with him for talking while she meditated. She could just hear him in her head ’What’s the matter Lielieja? Can’t concentrate? You’re so scatterbrained. Ahahahahaha!’ Just thinking about it made her roll her eyes in annoyance.

”Hopefully somewhere exciting,” she said, holding her emotions in check. She heard Dragumand mumble something else but ignored it. Closing her eyes she let her mind wander to Coruscant—the sights smells and sounds. Thought it was far from “home” it almost felt like her new home. As dirty and crowded as it was the place had a life of it’s own and she loved the energy, the vibrant lifestyle. Now that she had been promoted to Master, she wasn’t confined to the temple. She could come and go at will without her master’s permission though admittedly sneaking out had been much more fun.

Dragumand’s deep voice interrupted her thoughts. ”Feel what? Huh?” Opening her eyes, Lielieja was in the process of sitting up when the ship rocked violently, throwing her from her chair and onto the ground, spilling the contents of her cup on her lap in the process. ”What in the name…?” Lielieja grumbled angrily, seemingly offended at the ship itself for having caused the disturbance. An earsplitting alarm cut off any further commentary however.