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Kiyoto is offline
Old 05-17-2014, 09:47 PM

Morning, even though the sun was rising outside, the black curtains kept the light at bay. For a moment, all was still within the room. Slowly however, a mass upon the bed slightly stirred. Under the covers, Hatsuharu Yamato woke from yet another restless night of sleep. His head was pounding a bit, and it made him dizzy as he sat up within bed. He pushed the covers aside effortlessly, before standing. He was not in a hurry this morning, to get to the organization. Many referred to him simply by his last name of Yamato, it was known throughout the organization and the world.

It was both feared and respected by those who knew it, and for good reason to. His family was definitely one who would live on past their ending, for all they had accomplished. One of the least known but most important, was C.R.O.N.O.S. An organization named after the god of gods so to speak, it had not been his choice in a name. It was an organization passed down from generation to generation in his family. At the age of Eighteen, he had taken over, few had been happy about that. The organization, was created to contain and eliminate threats that were…against nature…evil…monsters?

Yamato did not remember much about his parentss deaths, though he had been questioned about it countless times before. It was when he was fourteen. His parents and he were at one of their homes in a more tropical places among the world, his father on a business trip….He shook the thoughts from his head, now was not the time to be thinking about all of this. He made his way to the bathroom, letting steam fill it as he took a hot shower. He closed his eyes, the heat helping to relax and wake him. He needed it. Slowly he made his way out to dress, adorning his usual military style clothing, it gave him an added air of power and authority to his own already natural aura. Moving to the curtains, he brushed one of them aside. The sun stung his eyes for a moment, as he looked out.

A black car was already out front, ready to take him to the base. A sigh escaped from his lips. He was not looking forward to this. He was having to deal with a problem that had passed not long ago. Those who had taken a stake in C.R.O.N.O.S since his father's death, had ordered a mission of the team that his father had also helped to establish. The Talon Squadron. They had gone behind his back, pressing for a mission at a time when they knew he would be elsewhere taking care of official buisiness. Due to this foolish rush and push into a fight, they had been sloppy. They had made mistakes, and it had cost them one of their own.

His jaw clenched. Disgusting...his predicesors would be disgusted as well, especially his father. He would have never allowed such a mistake, and niether would Hatsuharu himself. He was skilled in leading, calculating and worked with the variables. He was the type to carve his own path, he never accepted failure. A trait he had gotten from his father. But now, thanks to this foolish mistake, he was left cleaning up their mess. He turned away from the window, walking down to the car below. The door was opened for him, and he was allowed inside. No one daired speak to him at the moment, for all of them knew beyond a doubt how annoyed he was at this all.

He was to be getting a new 'replacement' for the man he had lost. A good canidate as the ones who shaired hold spoke. At this point though, he trusted them as much as he trusted a snake not to bite if it was prodded. He closed his eyes, resting his head on his hand as the car moved along the street. Whoever this new operative was, they would have to prove themselves to him. Even then, they may never be truly accepted. He demanded perfection within his team, anything else was met with repremends. The would learn that quickly indeed. The car neared the base. Opening his eyes, he fixed the large compound before him in an icy, piercing gaze that had mad many men shatter and women swoon.

It was about time, he would have to call the rest of the team in. At the same time, he still had a lot of paperwork to take care of. He ran a gloved hand through his hair. He was going to have a headache by the time this was all over. This was going to deffinitely be one hell of a day. The car stopped, and the door was soon opened for him. A familiar face was watching from the doors, Makoto was at attention as she awaited him to approach. His eyes flickered up to the main building once more. Seemed it was showtime.