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Sparky435 is offline
Old 06-30-2015, 10:22 AM

Looking over the town Roland just sighed, "not sure what it means but its the main hub in this part. What ever was left of the government settled more south and this place was left here." He said as he knelt down and pulled a cloak out of his bag. "You might want this, outsiders are new and you'll get a lot of annoying questions if you don't try to blend it" he added and pointed straight ahead of them, "building with the red roof, that's were we need to go" he added grabbing his bag and placed it on his shoulder "we'll talk more when its safer" he stated and started walking slowly down a slope towards the center of town.

The old fountain still stood in the center of a courtyard but no water was running and all the trees were so dead they were almost stone. The building on either side of them were mismatched but standing as sturdy as they could make them, not many windows were on the sides because most people didn't care for a view anymore. Roland pushed threw a small group of kids that wanted to play with random people walking by and he let Eliza pass him once they made it to a staircase, "door should be open, just go on in" he said softly trying to walk without colapsing. His legs felt like rubber and he just wanted to stop for the night, they were close to being done for sure.

Inside the room it was dark and a woman stood behind a counter, there were old stands that had some clothes on them along with racks with a few odds and ends. "Well hello" the woman said a bit too chearfull "how can we help you today?" She added with a smile. Roland walked up "hey rose, my friend here needs a new wardrobe, see what you can do can ya?" He asked before he waved and turned towards an old couch "I'll be right... Here" he said plopping down with a light thud.