Thread: Vinny + Naru rp
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Vinny XIII
Vinny XIII is offline
Old 05-06-2015, 05:37 AM

"So that's two cheesy fries then?" Abby asked as she walked up with a smile.
"Sure thing!" Will smiled as he picked up the menu's and handed them to the red head.
"Coming right up boys!" Abby chirped, taking the menu's and making her way back into the kitchen.
Will chuckled as he turned his attention back to the blonde boy, "Ya know I get that a lot. I actually stopped eating meat back when I was..." He stopped and thought for a moment, "I think I was about ten or so. Back then Emily and I used to spend a lot of time out on my grandparents farm. Well, it was more of a ranch, but they told me it was a farm since I was so young. I always helped with feeding the baby animals, but I didn't know that the animals out back were actually cattle that were going to be taken to a slaughter house. Whenever the guys would come to take the cattle our grandma would always take us into town so we didn't see or know what was going on. I had a lot of questions at that point and my grandpa decided I was old enough to learn what happened. When I found out what happened to the cattle..." Will stopped, trying to hold back his snickering but broke out into laughter, "My grandpa got so mad at me cause there I went, this little ten year old, running out to the back and 'liberating' the cattle by opening the gate and shooing them all out of the fence. I know I shouldn't laugh at that, but I had named all the cows; they were my buddies when I went out there. So of course I was gonna try to keep them from getting eaten. I used to love meat, but once I found out where it came from I couldn't bring myself to eat it again. Now I don't care if people eat meat, there's no chance I named whatever they're eating."
Will laughed quietly as he glanced out the window before looking back at Gabe, "Sorry, that may sound kinda twisted, but it's true. As long as I don't have some kind of attachment to whatever live stock, I don't care if others eat meat. That's kinda why we stopped going out to the ranch too. Grandpa was afraid I'd free more of the animals."