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Pixel Pixie

Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 10-17-2013, 12:33 AM

Collin watched as the men where brought before him in the throne room. The one with platinum blond hair seemed to be doing a lot of calculating. Collin recognized the look in that man's eyes, the 'find the best way to escape without anyone noticing' look. How many times had that same constant darting look appeared in his own eyes, but Collin knew that the stranger would meet the same conclusion, the palace guards where some of the best, there was no escape. Not for the prince who only wanted to leave, escape the dull patterns that became the everyday life, and certainly not for a man who was to be sentenced for murder.

The man was creating a scene when he walked through the door, a scene not even close to proper etiquette in the castle, but frankly Collin simply didn't care. In fact, there was a small moment while everyone's attention was on the man that a smile flitted across his lips, but to one who had been observing the man and not the prince would have missed it, for it was gone just as quickly as it had come. Yes, this trial would prove to be more interesting then he initially thought. Much more interesting.

He waited with patience while the man finished his blatant belittling of almost everyone in his gang of thugs, but mostly the man beside him who, it would appear was the one who actually murdered Polliana. After a few moments of silence Collin spoke again quite smoothly, "Proceed with the trial" he nodded in the direction of the guards who would be presenting the offending evidence. The man stepped forward and began to speak to the evidence that had been found. The blood trail it would seem had led right to the tavern where they where all arrested from.

He was only partially listening as the evidence was presented, the truth was he was doing some calculations in his head, and carefully watching the face of the one who had earlier made a scene. Waiting for that moment of, what was it he was looking for. A reaction to anything that was said, something to plead the man's innocence, and yet there was something in the man's eyes. Was it guilt? No, that was not quite right, what was it then?

After a moment he was struck with an idea and raised a hand to silence the officer. The room fell into a deafening silence as the trial was interrupted by the prince. After the silence fell the prince addressed the man directly, "tell me then, what happened tonight. Remember now, the penalty for the murder of a noble woman is life in the dungeon, or if the whimsy carries execution, so you would be better not to lie to me"