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a91nicole is offline
Old 10-17-2014, 12:58 AM

It came as no surprise to her that he offered no opinion on her choice of direction and simply followed it. Labyrinth seemed to be very good at doing what others suggested. The agent had to admit, though, that it was a bit disconcerting to have someone constantly agree with her. He would not argue with her, and it was a strange feeling knowing that whatever she said would always be what they did. Perhaps part of her even realized that she missed discussing plans.

But those thoughts mattered so little presently- the air in the place was thinning the further they got in. There was a disturbing stillness to it all. It was a bit like walking through an old battlefield- people died here. There was no way, in a facility of this size, that everyone survived. And perhaps that was a good thing. There were some nightmares that were better off dead. Some memories too. She pushed that particular thought from her mind.

They had yet to see any dead bodies, even though they'd covered quite a bit of ground. She pushed that thought from her mind too.

Tehra's eyes never stopped constantly scanning and re-scanning the area for dangers. Now that she had suspicions of what might reside here, they could only use their eyes to determine if there was danger. Labyrinths equipment wouldn't pick up these particular creatures. And they had to be aware of everything- running was impossible this deep in the facility. It was fight or die. Or, fight and die and then keep fighting- that was another option. The mere thought of it made her shudder. She would never allow herself to become one of them.

They reached the stairway. Tehra saw the smears before Labyrinth said anything to her about them. Even in the strange surreal light, her gut knew what they were before any conclusions were reached. She nodded when he commented on what it was and spoke as they walked down the stairs.

"The blood is six hours old, it's been six hours since I was briefed on this mission, the facility went dark twelve hours before that. So- a catastrophic failure happened eighteen hours ago, sealing the building from most lifeforms. Someone was still alive in here six hours ago- interesting considering how toxic the air might be. More interesting is the shadow that's luring us downstairs. That shadow has to be strong enough and fast enough to open these very heavy doors without us even seeing them open them. And they show no life signals. Interesting beastie." Though she was whispering, Tehra had a strong sense the creature could still hear her- they always could.

They reached the correct level, the sight and smell of it making her gag initially, but she soon gathered herself. Tehra had a very hard time denying what her gut had been telling her this entire time. She stopped and stood next to Labyrinth. As much as she didn't want to talk about her suspicions, if they turned out to be correct, Labyrinth needed to know ahead of time. Her eyes watched the shadow creature before them, refusing to let it leave her sight as she spoke again.

"You may think me a little crazy for what I'm about to tell you, but I assure you I am." she began "I'm sure you've heard of vampires- with all your knowledge you may even find the idea of them funny. What you may not know, Labyrinth, is that they are very much real and there is a good chance that shadow is very much one of them. Don't dismiss my words as fancy or fear- I've had experiences with them, and the scars on my neck that I know you've read about are from one of them." Tehra frankly didn't care if he thought her silly, she had to at least tell him.

"There are several reasons my past is largely undocumented, and many of them have to do with the fact that it is simply incredibly hard to believe. But vampires don't show life signals. They have a love for blood and are incredibly fast, and strong. Strong enough to open those doors very quickly. They do not need to breathe- which means the toxins in the air have no effect. It may not be a vampire that's taunting us down that hallway, but I owe it to you as my partner to tell you everything I know that might be of use. Read my vitals, they'll tell you I'm not lying." Tehra said it all so simply, so matter-of-factly. In fact, her tone nearly mirrored Labyrinths. Perhaps it was because if she allowed any emotions at all to show in her voice, they all would.

"As much as I want to take care of the creatures before we do anything else, I'd rather have light with which to see them. Let's take care of the generator first." Tehra answered. Besides, the shadow that ran ahead of them was very much starting to feel like a trap and she'd rather be able to see when they fell into it. "We still need to be on high alert, the shadow may follow us. Let's get those lights on." her mind was made up. With that, she began moving towards the generator.