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ShatteredAngel is offline
Old 02-03-2016, 12:55 PM

Guard would smile brightly at the other's clear happiness at the potential of meeting his friends.
"Of course your highness. We shall have to arrange it some time, alright?" He looked to the other guards and allowed them to escort them inside the palace. The main entrance way was filled tall marble pillars, along with the other marble and gold decor within. With how richly it was decorated you would have thought the whole country was very well off, though the guard and prince knew otherwise, having travelled through it.
The guards would lead them to the throne room where they opened the door and revealed a rather large man lounging in the throne being fed by a servant girl who was wearing very little.
"Your highness, may I present to you, Prince Micah"
The guard had move forward, head bowed in respect as he spoke before moving back so he was behind the prince now that he had been introduced.

"Ah welcome my friend. How was your journey? It went well I hope. I have a room all set up for you, I dohope you will be joining me here for your stay and our talks." The fat king squinted at Micah with beady little eyes from hs higher vantage point. The smirk on his lips seemed to be a perminant feature to his expression.