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Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 07-09-2014, 08:54 PM

Remember your dreams like this, Dawnnie?

The voice seemed to echo from the child herself... Then, it seemed that there were multiple, sing-songy voices all around. Like starlit butterflies... like sun-sparkling ripples in a pond... like the memories of something awaited in the future...

Mommy. Faint, soothing, endearing...

Dawn. A man's voice, warm and familiar and strong.

My little bambina! And... was that... Dawn's own voice just then? Older, laced with laughter and pride.

Emilie and Queen Titania gripped each other's hands tighter, seeking strength from one another.

The darkness is determined, Titania's thoughts drifted to Emilie.

Dawn! Dawn, please! Emilie called out, hoping somehow, someway, Dawn would hear. We love you. Come back to us. To Jareth, to your friends and family. Please...

The child in Dawn's arms turned her face up towards Dawn, though the young one's features were somewhat blurred by that quiet, yet brilliant light. A wide, hopeful smile could be made out, however.

Dawnnie... Mommy... Dawn...

The voices continued to call and cajole and sing and soothe...