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Cows Go Moo
Crouching Roleplayer Hidden Lurker
Cows Go Moo is offline
Old 06-28-2014, 02:28 AM

For being a prison, the area was surprisingly refined, resembling less of a penitentiary and more of a castle. Obviously the inside was minimalistic but comparatively better than the cages they woke up in. The brick walls were Cadmium in color and the floors were crusted with the dirty footprints. The current that all of them passed through? Eerie. It made June feel like she had been splashed with cold water. She took stock of her clothing which now included an anklet to keep her from escaping, frowning in the process. She had dreams about this sort of equipment but it wasn't the same as seeing it in action. The arrow was absolutely demolished. Just like Jenna, she thought, remembering the blond girl from her dream. She had taken advantage of her "free time" to try and outrun the sentry guns but they reduced her to cinders.

"Look I don't know you, she whispered to Andy, "but you don't look scared so-"

"-Wait I'm thinking" Andy cut off as he scanned the area.


So he was thinking of a way out.

Thinking was perhaps too simple of a term because Andy wasn't simply thinking, but planning. He was observing the timing of the sentry guns and the missile speed of both Hawkeye (although Huntress might have been more appropriate given her corrupted nature). Hawkeye's speed was manageable (although he didn't know much about her accuracy), but the sentries were inhuman. Without his guns he wouldn't stand a chance and even if he did have them, he would have to disable the sensors controlling their defenses. Andy knew that there were more than sentry guns protecting the perimeter of the area (most likely landmines or tripwires) and those weren't as simple as ripping out a remote control or destroying a control room. And then there are the guards, he reminded himself. Doctor Lum was a clever man. Neither he nor Nisha would fall for his tricks no matter what sort of "powers" he might have. It was a secondary concern given that he was a secret agent. No matter what sort of ability he had, he would adapt. He always did.

"So...anything?" June asked.

Before Andy could give the proper answer of "not a damn thing", Doctor Lum approached the crowd to show them around the building. Unexpectedly, dragons decorated the interior from stained-glass windows to arches over the doorway. Whether they were European or Chinese, the depictions added to the eccentricities of Lum and made her wonder if he customized the castle himself. It was one thing to build a fortress for yourself in the name of functionality, but to go to the trouble of marking it meant that you wanted recognition. You wanted to say that this building and these creations (she honestly wasn't sure what exactly they had done to the captives) were credited to you. It was egotistical and disgusting and pitifully human.

He wondered how easily it could have been him instead of Nisha.

When the doctor allowed them to select rooms June couldn't help but laugh when the black and white-haired man (Maxim ran off and claimed a room as his own.

"Glad you have your priorities in order!"

Oh she didn't mean to say that out loud.

There was a silence as the others began to group up, whether it was to share a room or to converse about their conversation, leaving only June and Andy to speak to each other.



Another pause.

"We won't get out at this rate," he stated.

"So what do you suggest mister big man?" June asked, clearly alluding to something, "mister observe everything and mumble about Tech 9s and knife fighting."

Andy gestured her to move to an empty room.

"I don't know what you're trying to say, but it's useless unless we're able to get more information," he replied, "and more people on board, which includes you."

"I doubt anyone knows more than we do," June shrugged, "we're all in the same boat."

"Yes, but not everyone's belongings were taken away," Andy explained, "one them had a metal belt, another had an entire cache of objects. Useless or not they could come in handy for retrieving what I need. From the looks of things you don't have much that's useful-"

June pulled a party popper from her purse and dropped it in his hand.

"I was planning on using it once we got on this island, but you know how these things go. In any case, if we're going to be doing some gathering we ought to split up. Divide and conquer?"

"Fair enough. I'll talk to the black-haired man. You can talk to the white-haired boy."

Come to think of it, he hadn't heard much from the white-haired one (Nazo) since he was so quiet during the entire debacle. The only thing he knew was that Hawkeye saw something within him, at least enough to let him out. He could be an asset. With that, the two of them exited their room to go after their respective groups.

Andy entered the room of the black-haired man (Merrimack) and put on his usual smile.

"Feeling any better?" Andy asked.

Meanwhile June had the pleasure of trying to find the room of Nazo. Being that everyone was conversing in one form or another she just had to follow the lack of noise and avoid any empty rooms (as there were many of them). He was sitting there, likely thinking in the same way that Andy was, but it came off much more cold, like he was trying to plan a murder.

"Can I stay here?" June asked, "you seem the least irritating out of everyone."