Thread: Mystery Daze
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Old 02-09-2015, 11:02 PM

The chief had taken the box down to get it checked out further, neither of them thought anything would come from the labs but they knew better than to leave anything out. He had insisted on J'kelo taking some of the confiscation money to return to the shop again this week and buy some more of the compartmented pieces. And not just at the one shop. It was worth knowing if any other shops received these kinds of goods too. If it was just the one he was going to have to let the chief know about the girl. Wait. I never found out her name.

He chided himself for that, but nothing he could do about it right now. The day was already over and he was on his way back to his apartment. Tomorrow he was going to spend the whole day poking around the commerce district. He had a fleeting hope that the girl would have the day off and he would bump into her, but the chances of that were slim, he had better chance meeting her back at the shop.

Opening the door to his apartment he added the new marbles to his big jar in the kitchen. It was near half full, and standing at over two feet that was a lot of marbles. His jacket made it's way onto a hanger, he had a few in there that were overly colorful, he would probably grab one of those for tomorrow. "Hmm, yellow. I've got my Big Apple shirt that's daisy yellow. I'll wear that." Outfit picked out he showered, watched tv as he waited for his fur to dry, then went to bed.