Thread: Does God exist?
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Ancasta is offline
Old 08-02-2016, 05:07 AM

Jury's out on how much of our language dogs truly comprehend. However, we're not just discussing canines.

Several members of the primate family, all members of species which engage in homosexual behavior, have been taught how to read human language, comprehend what they've read, and communicate via sign language their thoughts and emotions. These cousins of ours could be 'witnessed' to, and understand what they were being told. By your own yardstick, they have the capacity to understand sin and virtue.

They're not the only animals capable of it. Dolphins, octopii, and crows, just to name a few, have been proven to possess amazing cognitive abilities nearing or matching our own. Dolphins especially are perfectly capable of understanding human language given enough exposure. They are also another species that commonly form homosexual pairings.

So I ask you, where do you draw the line? Why do you draw it there?