Thread: Amuse Me...
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heartages is offline
Old 07-19-2010, 01:53 PM

ARGH! I reduced my story to 1,095 words! I hate chopping my poor story up like this! TAT

...I feel like it's slowly losing vital organs or something...

Only 95 more words to go, but where do I take them from! ARRGHH! :P


OMG IT'S 1,000 WORDS! O__O I MISS MY DETAILS! D: Exactly 1000 words oh my lord! D:

***2nd EDIT***

I have written you a story!
Username: heartages


The cool, salty sea breeze gently brushed Ionia’s long auburn curls across her face and captured them along its careful current. She could not believe her eyes. As they followed the eternal flow of the ocean waves, she was seeing what she thought was a formation of water raising out of one of the crests. She gawked in disbelief as the figure took on a humanoid appearance.

The sunset lit the sky afire and her breath was taken away. It was a truly magnificent sight. Ionia was not one to be moved easily, either. The conditions of the dilapidated world had hardened her heart a bit, however, in that moment she became part of something phenomenal.

“Ionia of Vireo,” the aqueous figure spoke, becoming more human-like by the second. His use of the language took much effort and was amateur. After his full materialization, his skin had a very jade tone, looking shiny, slick to the touch, and scaly.

Ionia had partially expected some aspects of their meeting, but in all honesty, she didn’t know what the ocean people were like. The creature stepped toward her. “Our people are not exactly ecstatic about this unfortunate turn of events,” and Ionia could see it in his countenance. He was not pleased to be meeting her that way.

“Forgive me if I cannot enter the water and meet you as you would like,” she almost snapped. She wasn’t really happy about it herself.

“You very well can,” he responded. Another figure clumsily emerged to his left. “My name is Nalin,” he said as the uncouth figure became fully apparent, “and this is Linden, our resident Wizard.” Ionia knew from their standpoint a wizard was like a scientist, but she didn’t trust Nalin. Linden was young and inexperienced looking. He was much more attractive in appearance than Nalin, but he appeared to be awkward and inept. She knew that to be a Wizard, one must be of impressive skill, but this was quite unbelievable. “Don’t let Linden’s modesty fool you,” Nalin must have seen the skepticism on Ionia’s face. “Linden is out of his element. He is quite the genius when it comes to his trade. He is the greatest Wizard we have ever known.”

“And what does your Wizard have to do with me? You said that by our meeting we could resolve the conflicts between our people,” Ionia only wanted the fighting to stop. She wasn’t exactly a kind-hearted individual. Who she had become was primarily due to the effects of the wars. Humans had come to fear every aspect of the ocean, but she had always dreamed of venturing over that beautiful embodiment of water.

“Our hatred for one another is an unjust prejudice. There are good people among you, just as there are bad among us. As long as the bad continue to fight, we will forever be at war. That does not mean the good cannot come to some sort of concordance. However, we hope that you will represent your people well, as you will have to submit to many arduous conditions.”

“Nothing can be as unbearable as what I have already experienced due to the war. If it can keep those things from happening again, there is much I would do. But don’t expect me to be so pleasant,” Ionia set some conditions of her own.

“You have the honor of being the only human we would contact. Most of our people would disagree because humans have been painted as horrible destructive beings,” Linden timorously spoke. “Now please come this way.” Ionia stepped up to him. He took her arm and everything around her became darkness.

She awoke aghast, her body trembling. She attempted to inhale and her mouth filled with water. She was hardly able to turn her head, but she could see Linden. He never adverted his attention from his task as he spoke, “Stop trying to use your lungs. Your body has already adapted to using your new gills.” Linden was composed and almost audacious. Ionia futilely attempted to speak. Most of her body was paralyzed.

“You’ve been modified so that you can live here with us,” he explained a bit, smiling insidiously. “I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you,” he went on. “This was a challenging assignment!” Ionia tried to look at herself. Her body appeared to be a pearl purple color, glittering blue in the flittering watery light. Someone else floated into the area. “Destin will be your guide around our radiant world.” Destin bowed.

“I have long awaited your awakening, Ionia,” his smile was dazzling, although Destin looked nearly exactly like Linden.

“I pride myself in saying my brother is the kindest of us all. He will take good care of you,” Linden grinned.

“I hope Linden didn’t freak you out too much,” Destin said. “He’s a bit eccentric.” Destin noticed her worried expression.

“She is still unable to speak, Destin,” Linden had gone back to his work.

“You’ve been here for quite a while, Ionia,” Destin spoke softly, concerned for her. “At least six months…”

As time passed, Ionia enjoyed learning about the new world she had become a part of. Although she had only just been able to speak, and very little at that, Destin explained to her everything she needed and wanted to know, but there was one question that especially plagued her.

“What… am I to do,” she struggled, “to stop… the war?” She finally asked. Destin’s expression dropped as his heart sank. He turned to Ionia with horror-filled eyes.

“I was afraid you would ask…” Ionia’s heart beat with anxiety. “During your operation… extremists among our people completed and utilized a weapon that nearly wiped your people out entirely.” Ionia felt great consternation. Destin regretted having to inform her.

Ionia remained stationary for a while. She was shaking. Eventually, she returned to the surface, and once again she could not believe her eyes. The world she knew was utterly obliterated. Her heart sank into darkness.
Written in Microsoft Word with 11pt font.
Final notes: After the conditions changed from 2 pages to 1,000 words, I had to chop my story up TAT ... So I cut some details I rather liked and now it doesn't flow as well as it did before, but I hope it still sounds okay :'(

Last edited by heartages; 07-21-2010 at 07:02 PM..