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Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 06-12-2013, 01:16 AM

Finx walked slowly up the hill towards the forest a basket of fruits and meat in her arms. As she drew near the forest she called out her dragon. "Sky lunch time!" She frowned when she got to the clearing that her dragon rested in and she wasn't there. "Off flying again." Finx sighed even though they were great friends Finx hated heights so she didn't ride with Sky often but she was slowly getting over her fear but in the mean time she let Sky fly free and do what she wanted after all you could tell a 100 pound dragon what to do. She placed the basket on the ground and headed for home glancing up to see if she could find her dragon.

Sky banked towards the village she had been off hunting and knew Finx would be wondering were she was. She smiled happily at the thought of her partner Finx didn't know it but they were going to be asked to join the dragonriders soon. It was what they had both wanted since she had hatched from her egg. She landed softly in the clearing and found that Finx had already left but that didn't bother her they would be together always after they become dragonriders.