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Old 02-15-2008, 01:35 AM

Alright, this next drabble-thing is based on a song by Within Temptation called Dangerous mind. It's one of my favorite songs and I recomend that if you like uber dramatic music, to check it out!

All hail youtube:


They flew through the skies like shadows with wings and only those who dared look up into the chilling gaze of the stars would ever see them.
That was how they were never seen, that was how they were never discovered and that was how their secret had been kept for so long.
They were the Vespertilio. Creatures that came from the caves and winding tunnels that wove beneath the soil of the Darklands like an endless, and unknown, labyrinth.
At night, when the sun had left the sky, these Vespertilio emerged from their hiding places beneath the city in the winding tunnels that the humans called sewers and they took to the sky; their great, leathering wings snapping beneath the moonlight only to be lost in the all consuming darkness that was the night sky.
They lived like that, hidden and shamed for hundreds of years, until one night a child was born. This baby had skin as white as moonlight and eyes that looked like blood and beneath the starlight he would glow like an angel of darkness.
This young boy was named Veles Desdemona.
He was taught the ways of his kind; how to fly without detection, how to feed without being hunted but no one expected anything but the incredible from him… and he delivered.
Though his skin was even more sensitive than his families he walked through the streets, disguised as a man, in the bright, summer sunlight, his incredible eyes hidden by darkly tinted glass and dressed from his neck down to his heels in black.
The royals and lords of the city looked upon his moon colored skin with envy and interest, as it was in style to have very pale skin when he emerged from his caves, and he was invited to some of their gatherings so they could pump him for information about his family, his home and his past.
Veles answered their questions with so delicately and so well that they assumed he was a great prince from a far away land and he was welcomed into their inner circles.
He excelled in their mind games and soon had a great mansion, land, servants and slaves all at his beck and call but every full moon he dismissed them all and allowed the moonlight to bathe his wings… Changing and contorting his form into something that could be never be mistaken for a human though he retained his silvery-white fur and skin.
The next day when all the cooks, maids and servants returned they would find their master deeply asleep and covered in bruised and hideous wounds that they were forbidden from talking about for fear of their lives.
Though Veles lived in wealth and splendor his people did not suffer; instead he showed them how to live in the dimmest part of the day and hide their wings so they might walk with man.

Veles walked down the bustling market, watching as others of every gender, race and size did the same. All of them so wrapped up in what they were doing they didn’t notice the fine cut of his robes or the jewels that glittered in the eyes of his gargoyle cane.
All they saw with him was long, fine hair the color of spun moonlight and spiders silk and skin that looked bleached. His eyes were covered by the black glasses that hid their color and his entire body, from just under his jaw, down to his feet was covered in beautifully made, perfectly tailored black cloth. Even his hands were covered in thing gloves of the same shade.