Thread: Stuck together
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Can I please come down? ~Simple Plan's song "Astronaut"
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 07-31-2012, 12:19 AM

Clenching her teeth, she pulled the clothe away from him and set in the running stream with a small rock on top so that it would rinse out. Then she used one hand on his neck to support his head while she carefully used her other hand to scoop water up and over his face. Pieces of dried blood, pus, and unknown stuff rinsed off and away. She paused, closed her eyes, and tried to not gag. Taking a deep breath, she opened her eyes and determindly kept going. Her stomach was rolling now, but she focused on her task and kept going. Soon it was as clean as it was going to get. Water made everything better. She pulled out the cloth from the stream and felt somewhat happy that it no longer had anything on it. It now would easily work as both a cool compress and a bandage. Handing it to him, she quickly stood and walked away.