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Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 08-13-2015, 02:20 AM

Within minutes, Daisy was fast asleep. She kept her arms and legs sprawled across the bed unceremoniously, her mouth slightly agape as she drooled on her pillow a little bit. It felt so nice to sleep. Her headache was pounding and it felt like she'd be sick any second again, but still, once she reached that beautiful place beyond consciousness, it felt quite good to be asleep.

After a few minutes of sound sleeping, Daisy did shoot back up in her bed and scrambled for the bathroom, feeling another wave of nausea pass over her. In her rush to get to the bathroom, she fell off the bed and thumped! as she hit the ground. Embarrassing. Daisy groaned a little as she tried to get to her feet, but her coordination was so off, she couldn't get the room to stop spinning long enough for her to get her balance, so she settled for crawling, er, trying to.

Daisy bumped into a few walls, hitting her head and causing her to groan again, it did absolutely nothing but make her headaches worse. God, this was miserable. Daisy crawled around on the floor aimlessly for a minute, realizing she didn't remember where her bathroom was. Whatever. It was too much effort to figure it out, so Daisy settled for laying on the floor, curling up into the fetal position with her arms folded across her stomach, as though covering her stomach would keep it from turning and twisting. Daisy whined softly in her throat, not really caring anymore if Brid and Astoria heard her.

Tom was flying down the halls, going almost so fast that it scared him. He didn't slow down until he bumped into someone.

"Excuse me, ma'am." He said politely and he turned as if to keep going, but the woman he ran into, a rather short, chubby, white haired, older woman grabbed his arm and said,

"You're Tom Hiddleston!" To which Tom replied,

"Yes, I am, now, if you'd excu-"

"Jerry! He's here, come quick!" The woman shouted and from just around the corner a man with a camera came awkwardly running down the hall, camera on his shoulder and mumbling, "I'm comin', Sarah, jeez..."

Tom's eyes grew wide and he turned back to see his fellow companions and looked at them with deep regret and 'I'm sorry!!!' in his eyes. Tom tried to politely excuse himself from the woman's questioning and he did his best to hide his face from the camera. Damn these stupid reporters...

"Um." Tom stammered. "I understand you have a job to do, ma'am, but my friends..." Tom motioned at Felix and Takahiro. "... and I are quite busy at the moment, if you'd excuse us, please..."