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Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 08-10-2011, 05:23 AM

Alright, time for rolling!
Carzeebear is 1, Liztress is 2, jessieomer is 3.

The 3-sided dice lands on 3

Story soon!


Originally Posted by Carzeebear View Post
Good enough to wipe the trade history? That'll be Lise. She's wily. I question Lise.
Next you set your sights on Lise's booth, it's the most logical conclusion.

"I'd like the spirits' guidance..." you say. Oh, you're so clever, disguising your interrogation like that. "... on something of mine that has gone missing."

"Please wait," Lise says before turning away from you with a look of deep concentration. You begin to wonder if she can actually contact the spirits or if she makes all of this stuff up on the fly, however you have heard that some of her "fortunes" have been eerily accurate for their recipients. Lise turns back to you and seems to regard you warily. "I do not have it," she says.

"I- I didn't say you did!" you exclaim, caught off guard. "I just wanted to hear what the spirits thought about where it might be!"

"They had enough to say about where you already think it is. I am insulted that you regard me on the same level as a pick-pocket." Curse those spirits! You probably should have known this might happen, but you're too stricken with grief. Maybe it's not too late to keep backpedaling, though...

"I would never think you'd steal from me! Honest!" Your voice cracks. Great. Lise doesn't respond, making you even more unnerved. You imagine that if you could see her eyes through those thick bangs of hers, she wouldn't be blinking.

"The spirits do know where your item is, however," she finally says.

"Really?! Where? Oh, shiny, I will find you yet!"

"I did not say that I would tell you."

"B-but! But you have to! Okay, okay! I lied! I thought you took it, but only because I had eliminated a bunch of other possibilities, and you know what that Shakespeare guy said about that! But I'm really sorry!"

"That was Sherlock Holmes," Lise says.

"Whatever! I was never good in social studies," you grumble. Lise is quiet for a moment more, almost as if you've said something incredibly foolish. "Please, I'm begging you, you have to tell me where my shiny is! I'm a broken person! I'm sorry I insulted you, I'll wash your caravan for a year, just please! Please!" At this point you actually drop to your knees, hands clenched in front of your face, without a drop of referential post-modernism.

"The spirits have not even told me," Lise says before a small smile appears on her face. "Although you are quite welcome to wash my home." You get up off your knees, blushing slightly.

"Then what good are those daggum spirits if they ain't never tellin' you anything?!" Back to the Yosemite Sam thing again, I see. "That's it! I'm getting to the bottom of this myself. I'm done asking questions and parading around the boardwalk exhausting every possibility like this is some kind of game! This isn't a game, this is my life! And the past hour feels like it's taken place over the course of days! My actions are disjointed, as if I'm being controlled by multiple people. I seem to be gaining items whenever it's convenient and I don't even have my kettlecorn anymore! What happened to that?! I didn't finish it! I didn't set it down! It's just not here anymore! This has been the worst day of my life, all I want is my shiny! And I'm going to get it, by dag!" With that, you stomp off, up the boardwalk. You're going to make the hike to Insomniac's mansion yourself.

"I just talked to Yumeh!" Cessy says, skipping up to your side. "I don-"

"Yeah, yeah, he doesn't have it! He doesn't have it, Lise doesn't have it, Cherry doesn't have it, you don't have it, Peeblo doesn't have it, and I most certainly don't have it!" you fume. Cessy seems to shrink from your yelling. "I-- Sorry. I'm not mad at you. I just want my shiny back."

"I'll help you find it! Where are we going?"

"To Insomniac's."


Sometime later you finally arrive at the fortress. Yes, fortress. It's a fortress. Insomniac has a fortress. First there is a barbed wire-topped electric fence that must be at least 20 feet high; just on the other side of that is a moat, probably with something menacing living in it; past the moat seems to be a minefield and beyond that is a pit of ravenous wildebeest. You see a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone floating in the moat... poor Cherry. You have to avoid meeting a similar fate... but how? You'll need to use your wit, your creativity and everything you learned in babysitter classes, as you have Cessy with you.

What will you do?