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Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 04:35 PM

((See how I give a bit of varying details to each of you? I think reading the other's story would be wise, just a though ;)... ))

This floor seemed to be the Golems' lair and a grave to boot, rotting corpses littering the dark and damp always and corridors twisting into a mockery of a labyrinth. Most of the cells were firmly locked, the others rusted with disuse or smelling of death and madness.

Some of the corridors were caved in by what seemed to be military grade bombs, and were therefore impracticable. This did make the corridor harder to get lost in, however, and soon Raine found herself before a grand staricase of stone, going both up and down. The stairs leading to the upper level brought the sound of distant winds and soft and sparse moonlight, the stairway going down the scent of damp earth and utter darkness. Whether she would choose the embrace of wind and moonlight or the touch of damp earth and darkness was Raine's choice. Descending the stairs in the dark would prove difficult however, but with caution and care, may it bring greater security in the end?

Only time would tell.

---------- Post added 05-21-2012 at 12:46 PM ----------

((I liked those books, but I'd like to think that my story is a little better, as it change with your ideas and actions, and I can be swayed into being kind or mean x3!))

The elevator was nearly bare and made of wrought iron and maple wood. On the right side of the gate lay three glass buttons laid neatly into a small row and each labelled with a number from one to three. The one numbered '1' glowed faintly from a little light embedded behind it, signifying that the floor Ruthie was in was that one.

The elevator looked like it may one day give out if left in disrepair, but still seemed serviced enough for that to not be an issue until a few years from now.

Ruthie could choose to look into the second or the third floor.