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Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 10-12-2014, 05:40 AM

Day Five StoryX

The night feels never ending. You wait, hiding in the library, with your heart beating in your throat. You hate to admit it, but you’re waiting for the screams. Wondering who will be Michelle Myles next victim. Praying it won’t be you. But as the minutes tick on, all that can be heard is silence. Finally, you gather your courage and leave your hiding spot, venturing back out into the main area. The others seem to be having the same idea, and soon you’re all gathered together again.

Lawrence: [looking around] Wait, is everyone here? Did- did we all survive?
Paula: Holy shit, we’re all here! Did we lose her?
Dr. Louis: [heaving a sigh of relief] A blessed reprieve. Let’s hope she’s lost our scent. That was quick thinking, Lawrence, spotting the library.
Lawrence: [enjoying the compliment] Ah, it was nothin’.
Paula: But I can’t believe Lyndon would abandon us like that.
Andy: [with resentment] Yeah well, he made his choice.
Lawrence: What do we do now, Dr. Louis?
Dr. Louis: We get back to the van…
Andy: [interjecting] We need to see if my mom is okay!
Dr. Louis: Of course. But… [selecting her words carefully] in any case, it is important that we return to the van and I get you all to safety. Once that is done, I will continue looking for Michelle. I don’t know where she’s gone, but I have to find her and stop her, one way or another.
Lawrence: Than I guess there’s no use in hanging around here any longer. [taking the lead, he carefully unlocks the old, wooden library door and pulls it open] [down the walkway, he stops, and a guttural moan escapes him] Oh no…

Sixty years ago, a wealthy entrepreneur by the name of Charlie Bowles left Haverfield a sizable amount of money in his will. The town used part of this money to build a library. They dedicated the new building to him and erected a statue of Bowles at the bottom of the steps leading up to the front entrance. Over the years, many a person has sat at the feet of ol’ Charlie, under the watch of his calming gaze.
But now, there against the backdrop of this horrible night, sits a figure slumped at the statue’s base that is all but calming. It is the corpse of your friend Lyndon.

Andy: [with sadness he approaches] Lyndon… [he hangs his head, then turns to look at the others] We never lost her. She knew we were in the library. This is a message. She’s not going to let us escape.
Paula: Oh god! [bringing a hand to her mouth]
Dr. Louis: [with severity] We need to keep moving.

The return trip around the school is a sad one. Any sense of hope gained inside the library has been lost. With careful vigilance, you manage to reach the student parking lot again. Dr. Louis’ van still sits where it was left, but the patrol car and Sheriff Bradshaw are gone.

Andy: [scanning the area] She’s not here! There’s blood on the ground, but she’s gone. Man, I hope she’s safe.
Paula: Remember what she said? That there was something about Michelle Myles they tried to hide. Do you know what that’s about, Dr. Louis?
Dr. Louis: [shaking her head] No, I can’t possibly think what that could be. I assumed I knew everything about Michelle, but it seems she still has some secrets yet. And I’m betting it’s why she’s came back to Haverfield.
Andy: So where do we go next, doc? [just as Dr. Louis is about to argue] There’s nowhere we can run. We can’t escape her. We need to stick together and see this to the end. Is everyone agreed? [the group, some more hesitant than others, agree]
Lawrence: Back at the library we found an old news article about Michelle Myles. It said before she was arrested she spent some time at the psych hospital. If we’re looking for clues, that might be a good place to start.
Dr. Louis: [troubled] I wish I felt better about this. But I think you’re right, Andy. We need to see this to the end. [pauses] I also wish your mother hadn’t taken my gun.

Roughly twenty minutes from school, on the outskirts of town, is located the Haverfield Psychiatric Hospital. Dr. Louis explained that the HPH was currently being renovated, as some of its patients had been transferred to Smythe’s Meadow. So the building should be empty. Pulling up front, the hospital is enormous, spreading out far to the east and west. You scan the road behind you, looking for any sign of your pursuer, but all is still.

Lawrence: Geez, I wouldn’t wanna be locked up here.
Paula: If we survive this night, we may need to be.
Andy: Damn Paula, did you have to say ‘if’?
Lawrence [warily eyeing the hospital] I hope we don’t meet anyone new. There’s a nasty trend of them getting stabbed.

Sheriff Bradshaw’s key ring once again serves you well. Finding the key marked HPH, Lawrence manages to get the doors open. The darkened admissions area is a bit spooky. Spending Halloween night in an empty psychiatric hospital is definitely not your idea of fun. Moving past the waiting room you find yourselves in a vast corridor that stretches ahead, to the left and the right.

Dr. Louis: We need to find where the files are kept. The layout of these places is pretty standard. So…

From down the hall a door opens and there are footsteps. The beam from a flashlight is pointed in your direction. You freeze.

Dr. Chamberlain: Who’s there?!
Lawrence: [hopelessly] It seems the trend continues.
Dr. Chamberlain: What the… Who are all of you?! How did you get in here?!
Lawrence: Sorry. We um… kind of let ourselves in with the sheriff’s key.
Dr. Chamberlain: The sheriff? [stepping back from them] Sheriff Bradshaw was attacked earlier this evening.
Andy: You know about my mom?! What happened to her?! Where is she?!
Dr. Chamberlain: You’re Sheriff Bradshaw’s son? Well, it was on the radio. They found her in her car, unconscious behind the wheel. She was taken to the clinic.
Paula: Andy, that’s great!
Dr. Chamberlain: But that doesn’t explain what all of you are doing here.
Dr. Louis: Excuse me, are you perhaps Dr. Marlon Chamberlain?
Dr. Chamberlain: [surprised] Why, yes.
Dr. Louis: I thought so. We met once, a long time ago. I’m Dr. Samantha Louis, from the hospital in Smythe’s Meadow. You’ll have to forgive the intrusion of myself and my young friends. You’ll also have to forgive me for my curtness, but time is not a luxury we have. We need your help, Dr. Chamberlain. It concerns Michelle Myles.
Dr. Chamberlain: [stiffens] Michelle Myles? Now why on earth should this concern her? As I understand it, the girl has been unresponsive for the past fifteen years.
Dr. Louis: Because she has woken up, if you would. Yesterday evening Michelle escaped from Smythe’s Meadow and she has now returned to Haverfield. And she is not the docile patient she once was. Michelle has killed more than a dozen people, Dr. Chamberlain.
Dr. Chamberlain: [fearful, in spite of himself] You can’t honestly expect me to believe that.
Andy: We’re not lying, you old fool! She attacked my mom!
Lawrence: Please. Sheriff Bradshaw said there was a secret about Michelle Myles. Something they tried to hide. Whatever that is, it may be the reason she came back.
Dr. Chamberlain: [taken aback] A secret? No, I… I’m afraid I can’t help you! You’ll all have to leave!
Dr. Louis: Dr. Chamberlain, if you know what the secret is, you have to tell us!
Dr. Chamberlain: No, I cannot be apar...

A loud commotion suddenly sounds from the admissions areas. Dr. Chamberlain turns.

Dr. Chamberlain: What is that?! More friends of yours, I suppose.
Lawrence: Dr. Chamberlain no, wait!

He throws open the doors, only to be greeted by a knife through the chest. Removing the blade, Dr. Chamberlain drops and the menacing figure of Michelle Myles stands before you once more.

Paula: Everyone run!

Day Five ResultsX

Location: Haverfield Psychiatric Hospital

Day Room
If asked, your preconceived notion of what a psychiatric patient does all day would be to just stare at the wall. But the day room actually looks like a lot of fun. There's books and a stereo and a TV and... Wow, a Catari 5100! Radical! And they've got everything! Frigger. Hac Man. Oh, and the Marvelous Moustache Bros. You haven't played this one yet. 8-Bit gaming never looked so good!
(Marvelous Moustache Bros.)

Dr. Chamberlain's Office
As you duck inside Dr. Chamberlain's office, it's obvious the man wasn't expecting company tonight. On his desk sits an open bottle of scotch, in addition to some questionable reading material. Might as well do some sleuthing while you're here. You quietly search the files for any mention of Michelle Myles, but come up empty. Next you check the desk drawers. Inside you find a spreadsheet, detailing bets some of the doctors have made about the recovery of certain patients. Next to it sits a pile of cash. The more you learn about Dr. Chamberlain, the more you dislike him.
(+800g )

Maybe you should lie down. You look dead on your feet.

Laundry Room
Madly feeling for the first unlocked door in the shadowy hall, you rush inside and crash into a large metal table. Ow! You're going to be sore in the morning. ... If you're alive in the morning. You'd knock on wood, but there doesn't seem to be any in the large laundry room. There's also really nowhere to hide, so you dive into a nearby bin. And inside you fine some curious things. A pirate hat. A captain's uniform. Pixie wings. The only explanation that springs to mind is they were for a play. Digging further, you uncover a real treasure. The most beautiful gown you've ever seen!
(Gown of the Spider)

Men's Shower
Uh oh. Ducking into the men's shower room may have been a big mistake. It's cold, it's damp, your footsteps echo like you're walking through a cave. And to cap it off, there's nowhere to hide. A bad choice, but you sure as hell aren't going back out into the hall. All you can do is stick to the corners and try to be still as possible. Nearby are some robes on a hook and you cover yourself in one. It's surprisingly soft and offers a modicum of comfort.
(Ice Embassador)

Room 707
As you, Paula and your friends enter room 707, you're met with a startling surprise. There on the floor, is that blood?! Whew, no. On closer inspection it reveals itself to be paint. The renovators must have spilled it. Switching off the light, you all crouch along the perimeter of the room. Wallpaper has been torn down and some drywall removed. "Huh, what's this?" Paula says. You look and she's removed something from in the wall. Rising, she flicks the switch back on and gasps. "It's Michelle Myles file! What was it doing..." But before she can finish her sentence, there's a ruckus in the corridors. Running, and screams in the distance. Time to leave! You can read the file later.
(+1 point)

Shock Treatment
If you weren't so busy being terrified by a knife-wielding maniac, you just might be scared of whatever ghost is surely haunting the nightmarish shock treatment room. One of your friends dares you to lie back on the central bench. Not wanting to look chicken in front of the others, you tentatively do so. Your mind begins to race and your heart beats faster. "BZZZZZ!" Your friends shout. You scream and fall of the bench. "That's not funny!" You say angrily. You're about to stand up when you spot something under the nearby machine. Coinage! Tubular!
(+600g )

Women's Bathroom
You follow the corridor, running til you can run no further and take a sharp right into the nearest room. It's the women's restroom. Finding the last stall, you climb up on the toilet and wait. You reach back to steady yourself against the wall as you lose balance and one of the tiles comes loose. There's something inside. It's a folded note and some money. The note reads: "Hurry and get the goods inside. I think they're started to suspect me. I want this over by Thursday. We're going to make those doctors pay!"
(+700g )

Where is everybody?X

-- Day Room - Marvelous Mustache Bros. - ALL SENT
Divacita - x
EirianHikari - x
KatMagenta - x
salvete - x
star2000shadow - x
Xya - x

-- Dr. Chamberlain's Office - 800g - ALL SENT
Angel Spirit Girl - x
Cardinal Biggles - x
Chexala - x
Hadsvich - x
HamletSpamlet - x
Kay - x
musasgal - x
Nema - x
Papillon Cameo - x
Saravi Boo - x
Shadami - x
Vox - x
wish - x
Xogizmoox - x

-- Infirmary
Cora - x
Dystopia - x
The_Crow - x
Utopia - x
Wrenji-chan - x

-- Laundry Room - Gown of the Spider - ALL SENT
Ascadellia - x
girlbot9 - x
GwenaHikari - x
GummyBearKisses - x
Midian - x
pollik17 - x
Ruby Red - x
Velvet - x
zigbigadorlube - x

-- Men's Shower - Ice Embassador - ALL SENT
hummy - x
Jeannesha - x
Kent - x
lunanuova - x
sushi_mew - x
Whisper Invictus - x

-- Room 707
Antagonist - x
Blueblackrose - x
CK - x
Damia Flagg - x
Elirona - x
Iroase Delschatten - x
Kamikaze Kendra - x
Liztress - x
Roachi - x
sjacklene - x

-- Shock Treatment - -600g - ALL SENT
DariaMorgendorfer - x
DivineHeart - x
Mageling - x
Maha-Aamir - x
Maria-Minamino - x
Mikio - x
Miscreant74 - x
Mnemosyne - x
Nephila - x
Popcorn Gun - x
Seito - x
Shinigamikarasu - x
SuperZombiePotatoe - x

-- Women's Bathroom - 700g - ALL SENT
beautiful_psycho - x
dragoness129 - x

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 11-05-2014 at 04:14 AM..