Thread: Fallen Eternity
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wickedwonderland is offline
Old 11-01-2014, 06:10 AM

Magnus followed Ford inside. He was dried off enough that he wouldn't get anything soaking wet, but he could still feel some of the blood running down his back. It had slowed considerably but that didn't mean he wasn't going to have some blood fall onto the ground behind him. He shot a curious look towards the living room but didn't slow down. He would more than likely get a chance to explore this new place in time. The kitchen peaked his interest a lot more than the living room did. There were so many things in there he'd never gotten a chance to look at, like a refrigerator or a freezer. It might seem very odd to humans but for a angel, those things just weren't needed up in heaven so a chance to check them out was something he wasn't going to pass up on.

Following Ford into the bathroom, he paid close attention to the knobs he was turning. He didn't want to have to call out for help after five minutes. He moved over towards the shower, the air already getting warm from the water. He looked back at Ford and was shocked to see him grinning like a cat who caught the canary. It threw him off again for a moment. When he smiled....well let's just say it was a little breathtaking. He wasn't expecting the slap on his arm and had to get his balance back quickly. For the first time since he'd fallen down to this place he laughed. It wasn't very loud, more like a chuckle but at least it was there. "Yeah I'll make sure to do that."

Magnus closed the door and just stood there for a moment, letting the warm air wash over him. Well no point in just standing here. When he had fallen, his clothes had shredded when he had hit the ground. There wasn't much left of the shirt, and gingerly he began to peel it off. He hissed in pain a few times. The blood had dried a bit and some of his shirt had crusted onto his back. Finally done with that task, he slipped off his pants that were more like tattered shorts now. Reaching his hand out, he tested the water. It was a little on the cold side so he tried one of the knobs like Ford had shown him. To his delight, the water instantly started to warm up. He made sure he wasn't going to burn himself and carefully got into the shower and under the water.

He had tensed up when he had first gotten in, but as soon as the warm water hit his back, he gave out a low moan of pure pleasure. He had never felt something so good. Had he really fallen from Heaven? It seemed as though the warm water was a piece of heaven right here on earth. The blood washed off of his back and swirled down the drain. He grabbed the washcloth he had seen and carefully started to wash himself. After he had gotten cleaned up, he just stood there, letting the warm water wash over him.