Thread: Don't Hang Up
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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 02-27-2020, 01:36 AM

Fane echoed Axel's movement, lifting the glass up with a smile before downing it.He made a small face, because straight vodka was not his preferred drink. The blond set the glass down beside the ones Axel had taken, and he took the opportunity to look at the other man.Attractive was hardly the best word to describe Axel, altought it would certainly do.

"Can dancing really be trivialized?" Smiling still, Fane found himself laughing a bit. "I do really want to dance with you, and I also want to get to know you better.So I guess it's not just about the dancing..."
Fear and niggling doubt lingered at the back of his mind. Fane could see himself getting entangled with Axel all too easily, and didn't want to think about how such a development might affect how he worked with the band.

The band as a whole had hired him, and he supposed if something ever did develop with the rock star, he would just have to let the band decide whether they still wanted him as a manager. But ... Fane knew he was worrying too much over something that would probably never happen. Axel had so many people hovering around him, he could have anyone at all! It seemed like the last person he would choose was his new manager.