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It's 11PM, do you know where your pants are?
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 09:37 PM

Fernandez was not going to let this go much further. All she had to do was buy just enough time for Kage right now. Another few minutes. After all these men would not kill her right away. She was more fun alive. There had been many times where she found herself in the same predicament. At least this time they were not brilliant enough to disarm her. She had blades hidden everywhere on her body. Some were harder to get, but the one strapped to her wrist was a simple hand twist away. She had been playing the scared girl, who was not expecting to get caught. "No, please.." She whispered every now and then. Almost scaring herself. They seemed to buy it after all.

They had bound her hands behind her back against a chair. They suddenly started to fight, which was something Fernandez was not expecting. But it worked out in the end. She had her legs crossed with a look of boredom as Kage showed himself. Taking them all out with just a few quick moves. She noticed something else too. He was angry. Very angry she had left like that. Within seconds, she was slightly out of it due to the poison on the hidden blade. Well, merely just slowed down. Nothing too much to worry about in her eyes.

"Yes yes." She answered, almost in a matter-o-fact tone. "I was distracting them, as I said I would mi dulce. You friend Viridianna and I came up with this. She took everyone hiding in the shadows out before moving to the slave's room." Fernandez said with a quick update. A hand went up to rub her eyes. "You appear tired." She said, starting to walk out of the room, putting a hand to her wound to take a look at her blood. It was darker, but she showed no worry. Ushering him to come. She did not wish to leave Vi for much longer. She stopped though before coming close to the slave room, turning to him. "Just a warning Kage, Do not kiss me for some time." She said rather bluntly. It was more of a warning and threat, one that probably would leave him in wonder.

Fernandez then heard a harsh thud coming from the room they were heading towards. "Ah, so there were guards inside. She just killed the last I gather." Then something caught her attention. "Your expression. What did you find?"


Viridiana found the fight to be rather boring. One the light went out, the two were completely thrown off just long enough for her to strike them down with the poison wiped blade. She had to admit how well the stuff worked. In the other room she could hear a few screams, the screams of men. In the background of her own surrounding were the murmurs of slaves. All probably very scared right now for their lives. That was if they weren't before, they would have been then. She took a seat by the table, waiting for her comrade and his whore to join her. Vi found the locks were covered in a poison, and she did not have any gloves. She had suspicions Faith was somehow immune. Judging by the thing she drank before jumping into the window. A fall that should had killed her, or at least broken something. A poison master always made her nervous. Mainly because you never knew where they had the poison on their body. One touch could kill a man. It made her worry more so to know Azoth was in danger.