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salvete is offline
Old 01-09-2016, 05:11 AM

Monday, January 4, 2016 - In my kitchen

There are so many things in my kitchen. I guess I could just list everything. It would be interesting to see just how much stuff is in there.

There is a stove with an oven that has three pots and lids on it. one of the pots has salmon, tofu, and ham inside. The other two are empty. One of those pots is a little flatter than the others, but I’m not sure if it’s short enough to be considered a pan. This stove is white and has a digital clock in the middle. There is a range hood above the stove. There are also two towels hanging on the handle of the oven.

On the kitchen counter, there are so many things. The dish rack has a pair of kitchen scissors, spoons, chopsticks, and forks drying in the utensil compartment. Outside, there are jars and plates and cups drying. Next to the disk rack is a stack of pots and pans of various sizes as well as plastic tupperware stacked beside it. There are also things to be washed, including plates, spoons, a wooden cutting board, a metal bowl, and other kitchenware. There is also a toaster oven with some glass bowls and lids on top of it.

The sink has plates, bowls, and spoons in it that are waiting to be washed.

In terms of the food items on the counter, there are four boxes of various jello flavored mixes, a jar of white sugar, two different flavors of folgers coffee, a container of lipton iced tea powder, and tea packets. There are also bottles of oil.

We then of course have our huge plastic bag collection.

On the kitchen table, there is a microwave, some fruit, a rice cooker, some flyers, and other random things. Ohhh and I spy some granola bars, a bottle of wine, a box of Betty Crocker brownie mix, some onions, and some cookies.

Last edited by salvete; 12-31-2016 at 06:08 PM..