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Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 02-26-2016, 08:28 PM

Lori stared out her bedroom window at the sprawling garden beneath her. She sighed and let her eyes travel to the wall that surrounded the castle which she called home. She was the oldest of two children and heir apparent to the throne it wasn't easy and she hated every second of it. Her parents had planned out her whole life and had even planned her marriage. So far she hadn't meet the man but she had made a list of all the things that would be wrong with him not least was the fact that he would be ten years her senior. She blinked as her maids entered to help her dress "Today's the big day." the oldest maid smiled at her making Lori grimace today was her twentieth birthday and she would get to meet her betrothed. The maids dressed her in a light pink dress that belled out around her hips making her feel like a cupcake. They did her hair and makeup finally they let her be leaving only one maid her friend in the room. "Is everything ready?" Lori asked. "Yes my lady." the girl smiled "Good my sister and I will leave once the party is in full swing." Lori plopped onto her bed.