Thread: Psych help!
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Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 10-15-2014, 04:51 AM

Yo, I'm a psych undergrad. I understand this stuff pretty well.

A friend taking Psych 101 for gen ed reasons recently approached me for help on her midterms. I'm going to start tutoring her now, but it got me thinking! I know a lot of people take Psych for gen ed/curiosity reasons and end up severely struggling with it when it turns out to be more than they expected. That makes me sad because psychology is awesome and I want everyone to understand it! A basic understanding of how your brain works is so so important for just... life, man.

So are you struggling with your Psych 101? A higher level psych class (I really cannot help yet beyond sophomore-level classes, unless you're reading this a year plus from now)? Did you take a psych class in days of yore and still have lingering questions? Just read something on the internet that you want to know more about? Have general curiosities? ASK ME!

Side note: As I stated, I am an undergrad. I have no degree and am not licensed to practice psychiatry or therapy. If you have questions about mental illness I can point you in the direction of the diagnostic tools that professionals use but I cannot diagnose you, give you therapy, or otherwise help you. Only a professional can do that.