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Quite on the Outside, a raging storm Inside.
PurpleBox is offline
Old 04-13-2018, 06:27 PM

Ian’s character design professor was mildly impressed with everyone's sketches when they had to hand them in. She raised a eye brow at Ian’s fairy, he’d chosen one of the male fairies he’d sketched out sometime yesterday, totally ignoring the fact that he’d been thinking of Raisel’s face when he’d been creatiring it. More assignments were piled up as the day went on, Ian saying later to his group of classmates to grab some lunch by himself, rubbing his forehead, the echoes of the hangover finally fading for the scottish man.

“Can’t believe I drew HIM…. at least the professor liked that it was different…” Ian said to himself as he sipped at another cup of coffee. He was sitting in The Brew for his lunch, the powder blue of his beanie standing out against his dark locks as he eat and drank, going over some assignments. The coffee shop was surprisingly quite this lunchtime so Ian had little chance of being disturbed, green eyes hidden behind big glasses glancing out the window every now and then.

More classes rounded off the day, Ian catching glimpse of blue hair with orange highlights that made his heart clench and his face turn down into a frown. By the time dinner rolled around Ina was holled up in his dorm room drawing, sketching and looking up information for a short essay on Digital art or Traditional art, the professor for that class what to see how many of his students preferred what, he liked to tailor his teachings to each student as best he could.

Ian had also ordered pizza, firing off texts between Jackie and Mori, Jackie asking to borrow his pose book for a bit longer, and Mori trying to get him to come out to the club again. Ian face palmed at the older students party drive… his first week wasn't even over and he had already told them at the club that he wanted to focus on his classes for a bit. He was so engrossed in his work that he didn’t hear the dorm door open, he had some of his ‘geeky’ music playing from his laptop bouncing his foot along with the music.