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Flying Wings
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Flying Wings is offline
Old 07-29-2007, 08:19 PM


Welcome to the Food Tent! 8D If you came here just for a tasty hot dog, or some cotton candy to melt in your mouth, or just a refreshing drink of water we got it all! There are 4 sections of the classic food of the Carnival! :o There are the main food, drinks, snacks, and ice cream! You can only get ONE for each section though, but as many drinks. There are 25 in total for each section! >w< Once the free ones are gone (except for drinks!), it'll only be 3 gold. x3 BUT you can get whatever you want! O: Enjoy! <3

P.S. You can also animate it! <3 But I choose the animation. :'D :twisted:

Mwahaha..*Credit for inspiration goes to Phenomenon! <3*