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Inzanebraned is offline
Old 01-16-2018, 12:34 PM

...some kind of food that Reggie had never seen before.
It looked like soup, but there were things floating in there that made Reggie hesitant to try grass and roots and twigs.
Reggie was served a bowl of this soup and having been taught, by her parents, to be a proper guest at a strange table, she took up the spoon from next to her bowl and dipped it ever so slightly into the broth in her bowl.
As she raised the spoon to her mouth, she was sure that the aroma of this strange concoction would be offensive to her nose, but she was quite mistaken!
She sniffed at the broth in her spoon and was rather surprised that she found herself quite hungry and eager to taste this strange food.
To her delight, the broth tasted devine!
Thogh the grasses and roots and things floating in the broth seemed alien to her, they tasted wonderful and before she had realized it, she had eaten all of her portion and was looking forward to the next course.
Just then the servants came out with the next course of dinner which smelled and looked like...