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XxToxicRainbowXx is offline
Old 11-16-2007, 02:22 AM

-We have secrets. But sometimes they're a little out of hand. Drugs, Diseases, Disorders, and others. These people of all little secrets get put in one house together to see if they are capable of being "normal". Will these people last a second here?

No godmodding
No cybering
Keep swearing at a minimum
PM ALL profiles
Please refer to your character in third person when writing.
Be very literate (Simple mistakes are fine)
Don't start until I accept you.
Use real pictures for the profile please.
Have fun with this!

My name happens to be:
I happen to be: (Age)
Look I'm: (Gender)
Can you guess I'm: (Straight, gay, ect)
My dirty little secret: (Your secret)
I have a crush on: (Any? I will change for you if asked)
I act: (Personality)
I appear: (Picture)

My name happens to be: Yumi Nakanoda
I happen to be: 16
Look I'm: Female
Can you guess I'm: Straight
My dirty little secret: Yumi grew up with her mom who was a huge drug user. Yumi was used to buying the stuff for her mother to make her happy. After getting her mother these things year after year, Yumi then started using.
I have a crush on: No one yet.
I act: Strange and quiet.
I appear