Thread: Grad school
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Cinderella is offline
Old 04-29-2019, 04:52 PM

Today's topic may be a little more niche but I'm wondering if any users out there have any advice regarding whether or not to attend grad school?
I suppose I should be a little more specific. I studied theater in undergrad. Loved it, but finding it hard to translate those skills into a more 9-5 job, and wishing I'd studied something like English instead, since that more directly correlates to jobs I'm interested in (editing, for one).
Grad school would be great because it would give me more specific skills, but it would also mean living at home even longer (which I am loathe to do because the environment can be pretty toxic) and possible debt (I managed to pay off my undergraduate debt, thankfully). It also took me a very long time to complete my Bachelor's degree due to depression, and the thought of more school, even if it's something I'm interested in, is...stressful, to say the least.
So I'm very on the fence about it. My mom is really pushing for it, but I don't feel like I should go unless I REALLY want to. Grad school is a privilege and I don't feel good about taking a spot from someone who might have wanted it more, you know?
Anyway, if anyone has any sort of feedback or advice or just wants to share what worked for them, that would be awesome.