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Imagination is offline
Old 03-09-2010, 05:20 PM

:boogie: A place to relax, rant, rave, and to just have an all around good time. :boogie:

Super Amazingly Awesome People:
Ignis: , PapillonCameo: , Whimsical Sadist: , momochan: , Maria-Minamino: , hummy: , DaisyKeehl: , ShishaNoKuroNeko: , sdgfam08: , ObviouslyAya: , Kayxx: , Kaderin Triste: , WherededIGo: , HIM_ROCK: , Esmme: , DivineHeart: , Flowery Pit: , KatMagenta: , Antagonist: , cuppycake_geek: , LilithsLittleEdan: , Tntk_2: , Mystic: , Kirin Rosenbaum: , Terrible D: , Roxxxy: , sensia101: , lunesta*: , Kya Katsumi: , Car'a'Carn: , Seridano: , Cora Lorington: , elizabeth_mazur: , Phoenixphyre: , Wonderlands: , Velvet:

Let me know if there are any issues or conflicts between members =3

No Flaming.
No Begging.

Overall this is a pretty friendly atmosphere with NO AGE LIMIT (( Per Menewsha TOS. ))

If you do have an adult subject that you'd like to bring up or talk about, I ask that you bring it off site to prevent potential problems or cleverly disguise it so it doesn't violate TOS.

Enjoy & Have fun<3

(( If you would like something put here, please get ahold of me ))

Quotes I Love
If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.

We come to love not by finding the perfect person , but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly...

Death is God's way of saying Your Fired. Suicide is a human's way of saying You can't fire me, I Quit.

Light travels faster than sound.
This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

I have two rules:
First, I'm never wrong.
Second, if I'm wrong... then reread the first rule.

"Hey Look At You~You're A Power Hungry FORUM MODERATOR. You can WARN PEOPLE. ON THE INTERNET"
It's like, Woah guys, look's like we're dealing with a badass, amirite?

I don't have to attend every argument I'm invited to.

Don't fall in love.
Fall off a bridge instead, it hurts less.

Last edited by Imagination; 04-25-2013 at 10:17 AM..