Thread: Shot Me Down
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It's quiet, now.
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Tachigami is offline
Old 05-03-2014, 03:08 AM

Andrew opened his mouth, but couldn't quite speak until he shook his head. "No. Not really Godless. You have a little in you at least." After all, why would he save Andrew and White Tide if he had no goodness in him? He had risked his life---or at least his freedom---to get Andrew out of that cell and get Tide out of that barn she'd been kept in. He watched Tide raise her head, then wander toward where the black horse was. Night, Joey had called him.

He looked around quickly then lowered his gaze. His long lashes rested against his cheeks when he closed his eyes. "Sorry about your partner. Whatever happened... I can tell..." He blinked and looked up. "... I can tell you were close. Really close." He shook himself and with a little effort, slid off the rock and into the water, which reached his waist here. It soaked his pants immediately, but the fabric was so thin and worn they'd dry within minutes. Leaning down, Andrew cleaned the dirt, sweat, and grime from his skin without dampening the bandages along his back. He gasped. "Oh, I never said thanks for... well... Everything, I guess. So... so thanks for everything." He looked up to Joey. Had he been thanked for anything recently? He didn't seem to travel with anyone nowadays.