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Plagg, claws out!
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Xavirne is offline
Old 06-18-2015, 08:01 PM

Please don't rain, please don't rain, please don't rain. He kept saying those words over and over in his mind. With the looming gray clouds, it was bound to open up at any point. Even though Kynal didn't want it to rain, it probably wouldn't hurt him. He did smell after all! Still, one cannot blame a man for not wanting to get caught in the rain. And so, he kicked up his pace and kept his mind on chanting the "rain, rain go away" song.

Just as he was nearing his turn something ran into him. Honestly, with the momentum he was putting into his steps forward, the sudden thud didn't phase him. It almost didn't phase him to the point where he missed that a woman was frantically scrambling behind him.

Finally realizing what was going on, the raven cocked a brow.

A woman. Running from a cat.

Did women not love cats? He browsed through his mind. Every women he knew had an obsession with cats. They would literally shrill at the mere sight of a cat. And yet, here this busty broad was, cowering in fear behind him. Truly, it was a sight to behold. Where was Malreth when he needed him?

Eyes coasting down his roughed up form, Kynal sighed. He looked like hell. He was surprised she wasn't running from him. The day a man dotted in blood and sweat is concerned "prettier" than a fat, fluffy, tubby cat was the day pigs would fly.

Looking up, Kynal noticed no pigs. "Drats," he cursed under his breathe. Clearly the 'scary cat' was still 'prettier' than him

"Here, kitty, kitty," Kynal bent while trying not to throw his ass in her face. "C'mon, c'mon." Wriggling his finger, he tried to coax the cat forward. "Is this woman being mean to you?" His voice sunk and he dramatically said again, "Is she being mean?"

The cat, as if on cue, drooped its ears and dropped its attitude. Softly, it mewed.

"Awww, are you chasing the pretty good because you wanted her to pet you?" The cat mewed again. "I'm sowwy, baby. I'll pet you instead." Walking while still in the squatting position, Kynal ran a hand down the cat's spine. "Datta good baby," he cooed while his other hand tickled the cat's chin. "She just doesn't appreciate you and your tubbiness, does she?"

Before the cat could offer Aria a hiss, Kynal was swooping the fat thing into his arms and burying his head in the massive, fluffy belly.

"This is Tubberz." Peering up from over the fluff, he glanced down at the woman. "My brother's friend's cat. He's cat-sitting this week and Tubbsie-Wubbsie must have escaped."

Literally just feet from his apartment, Kynal ran up the half-dozen steps and let the cat inside. "I'll get you some tuna when Malreth's not looking." Closing the door, Kynal leaned back up against it and just stared at the woman.

"So... you're afraid of cats." Doing the typical thing all men do when they think they're a hero, he gracefully ran his finger under his nose and turned his chin up. "Guess that means me owe me for saving you're life."

While all this transpired, Kynal's anti-rain chant stopped as did his memory of what he wore. He was still dressed in his hobo-esque fight get-up. And, naturally, the sky cracked open and began to dump buckets of water on him.

Brows furrowing, he scooted under the lip of his apartment just enough to dodge the large drops. And, sadly, this is the part where Kynal's real personality came out--he just turned and walked inside, completely ignoring the girl in the streets.