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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-26-2014, 12:57 AM

Another had come through the gate, but he was very naked. Lune squeaked, her face turning red and she was moving her hands to cover her eyes. Then Solaris collapsed next to her, and the grass began to turn black around him. Lune screamed a rather high pitched girlish scream of fright and began to back away, raising a hand to cover her lips, her heart pounding in her chest. A frightened, almost horrorified look on her face. She didn't take her eyes off of Solaris, or rather the grass that was dying and spreading out. Her hands had begun to shake. Grass didn't just die when someone fainted. What exactly was going on in this alien world?

When the naked man tumbled out, Kurako just blinked, quickly enough the other was covering him with a coat, and the half elf looked at the woman next to him. Her hand on his arm, then Solaris was collapsing and the other woman was screaming. The grass was dying around Sol and spreading out. That grass, Kurako frowned deeply and pulled his arm away from the woman next to him, he knelt to touch it with a gloved fingertip. Was it the same as when things he loved died? It seemed similar, but not quite the same, he grimaced lightly though and then stood.

The other man had taken charge of the situation it seemed, and Kurako looked between the two women for a moment, his eyes settling on the one that communicated by touch. "I think the two of you should go on inside." The other man was calling for water, Kurako looked around. Well there were water all around, the temple seemed built over a rushing river complete with a couple waterfalls. He had no cup though. Kurako turned and headed towards the closest source of the rushing water that he could easily access without having to scale up or down a cliff.

At the water's edge, he pulled one of his gloves off, he grimaced at the black lines that covered his right hand, and put the glove in the water. Filling it with water, it was a well made glove, like all of his clothes, though of course some water still leaked at the seams but it wouldn't be a lot. He shoved his right hand into a pocket, holding the water filled glove in his left hand, the half elf made his way quickly back to the collapsed Solaris, naked man, and the other man that had taken charge of the situation. "Here, it's the best I could do." He handed it over to the man with the dark glasses. Kurako kept that right hand hidden within his pocket, they didn't need to see, and he didn't want to answer any questions that would come with seeing.