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is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 11-11-2015, 05:20 PM

Rory tried imagining such a scene; while there was a definite difference between mated and unmated Unai, seeing parents do it wasn't heard of. "We grow up in community families," she said as she finished clearing off her plate. "When Unai are born, we're all raised together by all the mothers. None of us know who our parents really are since we're all one large pack family."

She then leaned over, setting her plate into the bucket as Reno and Zero continued going on about what their parents were doing. She was still paying attention to the conversation, but it was more family matters then anything.

Reno soon brought the dark haired woman back to the conversation as she pulled her in telling her that she knew things. Her face flushed slightly thinking of what she must have been insinuating at from what she had just been going on about.

I'm sure you do, Rory could hear what her sister would have said in her usual irritated tone when it came to people like that. A smile cracked on her face as she started to laugh once Reno pulled away from her.

As Ryna brought up bathing, Reno seemed more into the idea than the Unai would have expected, especially after her reaction to the water the day before. She knew it was pointless fighting the woman and went along with her anyway.

Abi was a bit slower eating; as the air cleared up it became easier and she felt more awake and not so ill. Her eyes followed as the male wandered off, though she put her priority over finishing her meal rather than following him.

Ryna was suggesting that since the male was leaving, they should bathe. For creatures that were not so comfortable being nude around members of the opposite sex, it indeed made sense. Finishing her plate off, she too added hers to the bucket before joining the group.

Seeing as Reno was probably not going to be coming back for clothes, the other figured she should at least grab a change for Rory. Although they didn't lose the garments when changing, the clothing was still in contact with their bodies and required washing.

Sticking with the dark haired woman as they made their way back towards the cabin to gather what they needed, she looked over at her. "What brings such a happy family such as yours to this island?" Her eyes were on the woman a moment longer before she moved to open the door for her.

With the pain growing in her arm, Faline chose to return back to her human form. Though that left her nude to the forest around them, it didn't bother her and Aleu didn't seem to usually pick up too much of a fuss about it. Even in that form, she still had a pair of long ears and a smooth black tail that swooshed as she walked.

A small smile formed on her lips as Aleu spoke to her, though her eyes fell to the ground. "I know what those things can do," she said, her tone slightly sour. "I know I couldn't handle them nearly as well as you." She seemed almost bitter that she had to rely on the woman as much as she did; which was very much like Faline, she didn't like being protected.

As the woman apologized, Faline knew that some attention fell to the gash on her shoulder. She shook her head, her eyes landing on the woman as she said, "There's no need to apologize. If I can't handle even a single opponent then I need to get stronger." Much as Aleu had stopped talking of her issues, Faline didn't pry; they were together again, both were alive and that was all that mattered. Heck, at that point she could even ignored that cat.

When Aleu started talking about the summons and the traits they seemed to pick up, Faline's brows knitted together in confusion. "What? How? That doesn't make any sense," she said as she thought about the creature from the before. It was a Nightbane Cobra; the creature was more legend than real and was known to be able to cloak in shadows, stalking its prey almost unnoticed. While its fangs were long and deadly, it would use them to inject its foe with a nightbane venom that would first immobilize its opponent, before slowly rotting it away from the inside; it was not a pleasant thing to deal with. If that wasn't the worst, it was one of the few species known for being able to spit a gooey poisonous blob of the same make of its venom, though it was used more for immobilization and softening the flesh or out exterior of the thing it was fighting. She only hoped the creature was killed or fully sent back without leaving traits here, if that were really the case.

The wolf-woman pulled the woman from her thoughts when she asked what she could remember. The confused look that had plagued her features soon melded into one of concentration and slight anger. What did she remember? "Running," she said finally. "I remember running and a lot of fighting." Her brows knit together more tightly as her eyes seemed to hint that she wasn't really with them at that point.

"I remember there were so many creatures, some I could see, others I couldn't make out in the darkness." She then slowly shook her head as she said, "I don't think I was alone though. But then, then I was alone cause I woke up then next day and there wasn't anyone with me." Faline fell silent again, the birds of the forest chirping as the group continued on.

"I don't even remember how I got here or why," she said with a frustrated sigh.