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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-17-2012, 03:07 AM

Ryek kept one eye on that ship as he steered his away. True the women had been in the way of his scurrying crew, but Ryek wasn't has cold as he would lead most to believe. He really had sent them away to secure their safety. Or a small semblance of safety. It was hard for anyone to be safe if cannon balls were raining down on the ship. Lucky for them, the other ship either didn't notice, or didn't care that they were leaving. It's main focus seemed to be Tortuga and for a few moments, when the cannon fire had stopped, Ryek was tempted to turn his ship and sail for the port.

The pirate in him wanting to loot what was left. It wasn't his spoils to claim though, of course Ryek wasn't above stealing from another pirate, but he always fought for what he stole. Gaining the spoils as it were, and he had no right to even try to grasp at the spoils that awaited in Tortuga. Well, the ones that survived the destruction of the town. Ryek was sure there would be plenty. It was a pirate town and some idiotic pirates often hid their treasures in that place. Ryek looked out towards the open sea. The other ship was moving towards land, and not a threat to Ryek's own. For now at least. So his ship sliced through the water, faster than one her size ought to, but not impossibly fast. Soon the other ship and Tortuga would be out of sight, though the thick smoke from the fires of Tortuga's destruction would still clearly be visible for a while.