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Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 11-04-2016, 03:53 AM

"Thank you, dear..." Joanna said to Leanna as the young girl went to fetch the doctor. When they brought the chair with wheels, Joanna was helped into it and thankfully

When the good nurse had asked Joanna to explain what happened, her face lit up into a bright, blush. She wasn't too sure she wanted to admit that she was running down the stairs and fell. Joanna laughed nervously, "Well... it's quite simple, actually... You see, I was walking with young Joanna..." To lie? Or not to lie. Joanna felt horrid, she was supposed to be setting an example for young Leanna and she'd already failed the child and her father once. Joanna stopped herself from lying further. "... Well.... I was running to catch Leanna and I tripped over the heel of my boot."

Joanna had hoped that the nurse would not laugh at her misfortune. Surely, she understood just how terribly difficult it was to wear women's clothing... Joanna was just thankful that her corset didn't slip and render her paralyzed. She also hoped that her corset didn't damage anything. She hated wearing the thing, but did so to show Leanna the "proper" way to dress for a lady. She hoped that Lord Rathingar appreciated it, though, would she have been governess for a servant girl or peasant's child, she would have decided against wearing the bloody thing.

Another shooting pain stabbed Joanna's ankle and she groaned a little, hoping to see the doctor soon...