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Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in exchange for your immortal soul.
Arc Angel is offline
Old 08-27-2014, 03:35 PM

As he took a moment to look over her form, Kiernan froze up a little as he noted that she'd neglected to hide her features this morning. Firstly, it seemed like a risky move to make when she was so exotic in appearance. Secondly, seeing her smiling again perhaps wound his thoughts up too tight for a few seconds. Opening his mouth, then closing it, he tore his gaze from her as a light blush rose to his face. He had to snap out of this. What drew him back to reality was his gaze catching the looks she was receiving from the others in the room, even the barmaid that stood off the to the side of the counter they say at. Had she meant to do that? He struggled with his words for a few moments as he mindlessly scratched the back of his neck, unsure of what her to say anything about it to her. Maybe she'd just forgotten and would like the reminder, but maybe it was a purposeful move and mentioning it would be silly. Sighing softly to himself and shaking his head, he decided to avoid the subject for now.

Instead, his mind cleared and a smile found its way onto his face as he saw her trying one of the biscuits. He loved fresh bread of any kind, himself, so he understood the pleased expression passing over her. "Fresh biscuits are one of few things that typically lure me into town," he admitted with a chuckle before noticing that the map had peaked her interest. He turned to face the counter once more to follow her gaze, elbows lifting from their resting place on the counter as he casually spun to see where her fingers were poised over it. "They're kingdoms." He began plainly, unsure of whether she'd understand the term, "We're in the borderlands between the two right now, on the side of Austaros. I believe it's best that we head more towards the kingdom's center if we are to avoid finding any more trouble." Today Kiernan was in a good mood, but as he eyed the border on the map, he became more serious, teeth tendering his bottom lip in thought. "Draskone was once my home, but it is now best that we steer clear of those lands. Dark things have been going on... I suspect that the rise in bandit numbers are just a small part of it."

He stopped himself from saying more, instead sitting in quiet surprise that he'd already said what he had. He wasn't typically the first to speak on the subject, nor so openly. Turning his head to glance again at the eyes that now focused on her, his eyes narrowed in on a few of their onlookers, as if to warn them off. A few did turn away, but many eyes still bore in her direction. Hesitantly, he turned to look at her again, a little worry tracing his voice. "Numira, it may be best to remain hooded for now..." He suggested warily, unsure of whether that may insult her or do anything to help the attention she was receiving.

Last edited by Arc Angel; 08-27-2014 at 03:38 PM..