Thread: Stuck together
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Can I please come down? ~Simple Plan's song "Astronaut"
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 07-04-2012, 01:12 AM

Jane leaned back against the headrest, eyes closed. She didn't like flying. Never had. Listening to her ipod, she ignored the small chatter around her. She was only doing this for Bob. Bob had been a good friend in high school. Even after high school, he had kept in touch. She was eager to see him and other friends from those days at his wedding. Pity that Ben was going to be there. Her heart sped up at the mere thought. They had been best friends. They always hung out and did things together. She should have seen it coming. Guys don't date girls that are like sisters to them. At the time though, she had thought differently. So when he nervously told her he had a question for her, then asked if she thought a girlfriend of hers would go to prom with her, she had been blown out of the water. It still stung.

Peaking a glimpse out the window before tightly closing her eyes again, she saw the mountains they were passing. Yeah, she really didn't want to be on this plane. It wasn't a safe place to her. She rather be back in her office doing her historical research than this. She had graduated college with a history degree and thoroughly enjoyed the challenges she faced. Her life was good now with a stable routine. Routine was always important. Her ipod finished one song and switched to the next.

Suddenly the plane lurched. She felt like her insides had been left behind somewhere. Eyes snapping open, she stared with wide eyes around as the plane shook. Her mouth opened in a silent scream as other passengers were not so silent. The whole place seemed to be coming apart. She felt herself getting rattled. She a section of roof disappeared and all ability to breath went right out with it. She gasped, or tried to, as blackness crowded in on her panic state.

Slowly coming to, she numbly remembered that she was in a crashed plane. Groaning, she opening her eyes and registered that her ipod was still playing. Turning it off and pulling out the ear plugs, she looked around. Still strapped into her seat, she couldn't jump away like she wanted to at the site of the woman beside her. Clearly dead with glazed eyes, she sent shivers down Jane's spine. Slowly unbuckling her seatbelt, she stood and backed up into the aisle staring at the dead woman. The woman was dead. In her shock, her thoughts started replying that phrase over and over. She didn't notice the bruising in her side from where the armrest had held her in their plummet earthward. All she could focus on was that she was near a dead person and that scared her.